Chapter 13

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Special POV chapter

Sagestar's POV:

"We've brought you a friend!" Whisper's voice called as the blue she cat strolled into the spacious den where Sagestar lived.

Sagestar looked up, curious to see who she was bringing with her. Taylor walked in after Whisper with Iceheart in tow. "Oh, Iceheart." She meowed, smiling softly. "Hello."

Iceheart looked at Sagestar, blinking in surprise. "You're alive? I thought you were killed."

Sagestar laughed. "Nope, Zeye saved me.. And now I'm living alone in this den.."

"I wish he could've saved the rest of us." Iceheart murmured, a slight envy burning in her blue eyes before she brightened up again. The white she cat looked around the den. "So this is where you live?"

"Yeah." Sagestar meowed, glancing at the arching roof of the den. "It's quite nice, and we're in a big, empty forest where prey is plentiful, and far away from NoName's reign. It's nice.." She looked down at her paws. "It's a shame the others are still imprisoned... And so many have died.."

Iceheart sighed and sat down. "Mm."

Sagestar glanced behind Iceheart to see Taylor and Whisper blink away, probably to find Zeye. The former Smallclan leader yawned and stretched a bit before standing up. "You seem quite..." Her gaze travelled over the Lightclan warrior's protruding bones. "...Hungry.. I can get you something to eat if you want."

"Yes, please." She nodded, licking her lips. "I haven't had a morsel of prey in absolutely ages."

Sagestar stood up and strolled out of the den, her black tipped tail twitching as she headed into the forest in search of some prey. Iceheart trailed after her, sighing.

As they passed a tall oak tree, Iceheart murmured. "So you've been here this whole time?"

"Yeah.." Sagestar meowed back. "A whole forest to myself. Zeye sometimes stays for a bit, but he has to stick around his other kits in NoName's camp. Taylor and Whisper keep me company too, but they're mostly busy with Zeye."

"So is this where I'm going to be staying now?" The she cat queried.

"I suppose." Sagestar replied, glancing back at Iceheart. "Maybe Zeye can rescue your family and bring them here."

"I hope so." Iceheart murmured, her blue gaze travelling to her paws. "Poor Blackleap, he'll think I'm dead."

"Is he your mate?" Sagestar asked.

"No, he's my brother. I don't have a mate." She muttered.


Iceheart's ears flattened. "I did have my eyes on a tom from Ravenclan, but he was killed in the battle."

"I'm sorry." Sagestar meowed. She felt like such a coward- hiding away while the clans fought to survive against NoName's wrath. So many cats had lost their lives while she lazed about, doing nothing. Frostpaw was dead and the only way she would be able to see him again was if she died..

A mouse suddenly darted in front of their path and Sagestar snapped out of her thoughts quick enough to lunge for the plump rodent, killing it swiftly. Iceheart purred. "Wow, hunting really is good here."

"Mhm." Sagestar nodded, dropping her kill at the Lightclan she cat's paws. "Here you go."

"I'll eat it back at the den." Iceheart meowed, picking up the mouse in her jaws and padding back the way they came.

Sagestar padded behind Iceheart, falling back into her thoughts again. Would her family benefit if she were up in Starclan instead of hiding away in this forest? It hadn't been the first time she had thought about dying, but she refused to leave Iceheart alone as she had been living for the past few moons. Especially if she didn't know Zeye or his siblings that well. It would be unfair.

I could ask Zeye to rescue Blackleap, maybe then Iceheart would feel better about living here. That then means I can leave. Sagestar thought, watching the white she cat as she disappeared into the spacious den.


Past sunhigh, Zeye returned to Sagestar's den. He padded inside, blinking when he saw Iceheart. "Oh, Iceheart." He meowed.

"Hi." The white she cat murmured.

Sagestar stood up from her nest and approached Zeye, leading him outside the den for a talk in privacy. She stopped outside the den, looking up at her father. "Zeye." She started.


"Would it be possible to rescue Blackleap and bring him here as company for Iceheart?" She asked.

The white tom shrugged, glancing back inside the den. "I don't see why not.. I could probably find a way to do it.. Why?"

"I don't want her to be alone." Sagestar explained, watching her father's every expression.

"But you're here-" He paused, blue eyes narrowing. "Sagestar.." He muttered. "What are you thinking?"

"I want to go to Starclan to be with my family." She meowed, her ears flattening when Zeye's face hardened.

"No. You are not leaving me." He murmured sternly.

"You visit Starclan all the time, it wouldn't make any difference." She argued, her eyes calm as she stared at him.

"But Sagestar." Zeye sighed. "You're happy here, and.. I can't kill you." He pleaded. "Please stay here, where you're safe."

"I'll be safe in Starclan." She promised.

Zeye shook his head. "I won't do it. I won't kill you."

"I can." Taylor slid into view, his ears pricked. "Quick, painless and you don't have to do it." He smiled at Zeye.

Sagestar nodded. "That could work."

Zeye swallowed thickly.

"Please Zeye." Sagestar nudged him with her nose.

"Alright..." He muttered, his ears drooping in defeat.

Taylor nodded and turned to Sagestar. "Ready?" She nodded in reply and he placed a paw on her shoulder.

The second his paw made contact with her fur, Sagestar dropped dead.


>:3 yey she's ded at last

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