Chapter 19

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Blossomkit's POV:

Blossomkit let out a screech as the lightning lit up the camp for a split second before fading away. Shadekit fell backwards with a squeal of terror, his golden eyes wide.

A crowd quickly formed around them, and NoName dashed across the clearing to Shadekit's side. "What happened?" She demanded, her white eyes narrowed with worry for her kit.

Blossomkit looked at all the Dark Forest warriors as they swarmed around them curiously. Even Zephyr was on his paws, peering over the crowd at Shadekit with mild surprise.

Shadekit staggered to his paws, his eyes wide. "I-I don't know!"

Tyler hissed from the prison. "That's Silvershy's power! What's Shadekit doing with it?"

NoName looked up at Tyler, her ears flattened. "Bring Silvershy out here now."

"You're not going to kill her.. Are you?" The black and blue tom asked worriedly, his tail flicking in the darkness of the prison entrance.

"Not yet." The red she cat muttered. "But if you side with her again, then I will. Without hesitation."

Tyler flinched at her harsh words and disappeared into the prison, leading Silvershy gently out of the den.

In the sunlight, Blossomkit could see just how terrible Silvershy looked. Her bones were showing through her unkempt fur, her green eyes dull with hopelessness. Probably all the prisoners looked like that.

For a moment, Blossomkit was grateful that NoName saw potential in her. Otherwise she'd be either with the prisoners or already dead, her body tossed onto the growing pile of corpses that lay in a dip outside camp.

Blossomkit was snapped from her thoughts to see Silvershy staring wide-eyed at her paws. "My powers.. They're gone!"

"Gone?" Tyler echoed, blinking in surprise. "But how?"

"Shadekit..." NoName turned to the little tom. "How did you do it?"

"D-do what?" Shadekit asked, tilting his head to the side in question.

"Take Silvershy's lightning powers." The red she cat murmured, her eyes bright with awe.

"I just.. attacked her tail.." Shadekit shrugged. "And it happened."

Flare murmured. "Reminds me of Stolenwhisp."

NoName's lips formed a wide grin. "Oh Shadekit... You're going to be very special when you grow up."


Shadekit's POV:

"Special? How?" Shadekit asked, blinking up at his mother.

"Not only are you going to rule the shadows, but you're also going to have power-stealing powers." She purred, her pure white eyes gleaming in the sunlight. "Oh I'm so proud of you, my kit." She wrapped her forepaws around him, pulling him into her thick red fur.

Shadekit smiled faintly and nuzzled her before pulling away. He turned to Blossomkit. "C'mon let's go get the others!" He grinned, bounding away back to the nursery.

NoName watched him go before turning to the crowd, her face hardening to its usual stern look, and dispersed the crowd.

Shadekit and Blossomkit tumbled down the nursery tunnel and into the nest. Stormkit, Bluekit and Darkkit were still fast asleep, with Flowerstream curled around them.

"Wake up sleepyheads!" Blossomkit squeaked, batting at the three kits. "Let's play a game!"


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