Chapter 6

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NoName's POV:

There was a terrified shriek from the main clearing, snapping NoName away from her dream. She jolted to her paws, tripping over Dime's sleeping body. With a mew of surprise, she fell ontop of the dark furred tom, rolling slowly off him.

Dime raised his head, a small grin on his lips as he looked at her. "Can't get enough of me, eh NoName?"

NoName let out a flustered hiss and stood back up, giving him a glare. "Whatever." She growled, looking away from him.

"Y'know you can drop the act, it's just us." The tom purred, rolling onto his back so that he could paw at her.

NoName turned back around to face him, rolling her pure white eyes. "I know. Not now, though. There was a yowl outside and I should probably check it out."

"I'll come." He yawned, rising to his paws and following NoName as she strolled out of the den.

Blinding morning sunlight hit her face and she hissed, shaking her head. As her eyes adjusted, she let out a gasp when she saw Tigerstripe's limbless, blood coated body hanging from a branch. He was strung up by his intestines, swaying upside-down over camp. Cats had gathered below him with shocked murmurs and gasps. Upon closer inspection, NoName saw the sign of a stag carved into his chest. Never seen that before. She narrowed her eyes.

"Who did this?" Dime demanded above the crowd, his tail lashing in anger. The death of an Enforcer was rare, and whoever did the killing would suffer a similar- if not worse- fate.

"Zeye did it." Zephyr replied calmly, looking at NoName.

"How do you know?" NoName hissed, narrowing her eyes.

Zephyr let out a low sigh and flicked his tail at the tree where Tigerstripe's body hung. NoName followed where he was pointing and saw Zeye sitting calmly on a branch beside the dead Enforcer, waving at them.

"NoName," the white tom smiled calmly, "my gift to you." Then he blinked away.

NoName unsheathed her claws and scored the ground, her shadows thickening around her paws. "Get him! Search the entire territory and beyond! I want Zeye captured!"


Shadekit's POV:

"Get him! Search the entire territory and beyond! I want Zeye captured!"

Shadekit flinched at the ferocity and rage in his mother's voice and he crept through the crowd to her side. "Mumma?" He pawed at her foreleg. "Please don't yell like that."

NoName's features softened slightly as she looked down at her kit. "I'm sorry, Shadekit, did I scare you?"

He let out a nervous scoff. "No! I'm a big strong warrior!"

The red she cat purred and licked the top of his head, urging them to the edge of the clearing, to a more secluded area. "You will grow to be a skilled and brave warrior, I promise you that." She smiled down at her kit, her white eyes gleaming with pride.

Dime came up behind Shadekit and lifted him up by his scruff. "Haha!" His father grinned. "I got you!"

"Ah, no!" Shadekit squeaked and wriggled around, giggling. "I'll never let you capture me! I'm a warrior!"

Dime padded to NoName's side and placed Shadekit onto her back. "Then to prove your strength, you mustn't fall off this red fluffball's back!"

Shadekit grinned and dug his little claws into NoName's fur. "This is going to be easy!" He smirked happily, burying himself deep in her thick red fur.

Dime chuckled. "We'll see about that!"

NoName looked back at Shadekit. "Ready?" She didn't wait for his reply and started to trot around in circles, bouncing on her paws.

"This is easy!" Shadekit squeaked, grinning.

"It's about to get harder!" NoName smirked and she was about to start shaking him but a yowl interrupted her.

"We've got him!" One of the Dark Forest cats yowled as a large group of them walked into camp, dragging a white tom with them.

Shadekit blinked, his attention going to them. "Is that Zeye?" He asked.

NoName nodded, her voice returning to its usual coolness. "Yes." She let Shadekit roll off her back and stalked up to her warriors. "Bring him to the meeting clearing!"


Warriors: Shadows Triumph ~Book 1, Series 3~Where stories live. Discover now