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A quick A/N :P

So here we are, at series 3. Wow. Never expected this to happen.

(Special thanks to Breeze; his constant nagging was what brought this series to life.)
((The cover was also made by him))

I hope you all enjoy reading ^-^


Zeye's POV:

The three kits mewled in his jaws as he trod carefully into the Lightclan camp. It was late at night, the moon slowly climbing into the sky. Lightclan's camp was deserted, save for the few guards standing around the prisoner dens.

Nobody turned to look at Zeye as he stalked through the main clearing, using his disguise as a grey tabby feline going by the name of Mountain. 'Mountain' was a ruthless enforcer of the Dark Forest cats, and most cats bowed in fear in his presence. None of the guards bat an eye at him as he strode down the nursery tunnel and into the cave below.

He lost his disguise the instant he spotted Flowerstream resting in her nest. One little she kit lay at her belly, curled into her fur. Blossomkit. Zeye watched the cream she kit as she pulled lazily on her foster mother's belly as she slept. She's about to get three new littermates. Zeye smiled as he set down Darkkit, Stormkit and Bluekit at Flowerstream's belly.

The new warmth awoke the queen and she yawned. "Oh, Zeye.. What're you.." She paused looking down at the two kits. "Oh. Are these yours?"

"Yes, there's Darkkit," He patted the dark she cat, "Stormkit," then the grey dappled tom, "and Bluekit." He smiled at the blue she cat. The three kits wriggled around at Flowerstream's belly, fighting for the milk she provided.

The she cat smiled sadly. "They're cute.."

It was easy to tell she was still grieving for her own kits. Zeye was surprised she hadn't been killed alongside them. He guessed that NoName needed a queen in the clan to care for the unwanted kits. It's a shame my kits have to grow up in a place like this.

"So how's Blossomkit?" He asked, trying to distract himself from where his mind was headed.

"She's very quiet, and doesn't say a thing to me or anyone else. Wherever she comes from, I don't think they treated her well." Flowerstream sighed softly.

Zeye leaned down and sniffed the cream she cat. "Still stinks like a rogue." He quickly added. "Sorry, that was rude."

Flowerstream shrugged. "It's the truth." Then she sighed. "I wonder why NoName wants me to look after her. A kit like this would never grow up to be a Dark Forest warrior."

Zeye shrugged. "Only time will tell."

He pricked his ears to the sounds of pawsteps approaching and quickly changed into his disguise just as two Dark Forest warriors, Bolt and Jay, walked in.

"Mountain." Bolt muttered, his eyes narrowing. "What are you doing in here?"

Zeye narrowed his eyes at the two, holding back a grin as they immediately flinched in fear. "Just delivering some rogue kits I caught at the border tonight."

"Shouldn't you report them to NoName first?" Jay asked softly.

Zeye growled. "Do not question me! I can have you killed!" The two toms squealed in fear and darted out of the den, sending Zeye into fits of laughter.


Nutwhisker's POV:

It was moonhigh.

Nutwhisker poked his head out of the medicine den, there was no one there. No guards in sight. This was his time to escape. He could leave the Dark Forest's rule forever.

The brown furred tom darted from the medicine den, his breath like shards in his lungs as he raced for the camp exit. So close! He made it through with no signs of being spotted. Wow, the Dark Forest really are mouse-brains!

But just as he started to slow down, claws latched into his haunches.


Warriors: Shadows Triumph ~Book 1, Series 3~Where stories live. Discover now