Chapter 2

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Chapter Two: Fighting and Injuries.


He gave her a peck on the lips and said he had to leave. She never wanted him to leave, but she knew he would be back shortly.


(Back at the Bar)

Tifa opened her door quietly and went over to the kids room again to see what they were doing. She walked in and saw the kids sleeping next to each other and she walked over to to where they were sleeping and there were wet stains because of their crying. She felt very sad for them because they had to hear what happened.

Tifa went over to them and bent over to and kissed them both on the forehead. Then she got a blanket from their closest, and then put the blanket on then and then left the room.

She went downstairs and turned on the radio to sooth her. When she went to do the dishes, she heard something on the radio that she didn't want to hear.

'Warning for all of those outside, get inside right away! Fighting is going on and others may get hurt. So, bring everyone you know or can into your building!' , comes from the radio.

'Oh my gosh, this can't be happening', Tifa thought to herself.

Tifa knew that the kids were safe so she dried her hands and ran out the door. She knew exactly what was going on so she knew where to go. She ran as fast as she could, even though it was very dark. She made it to the tallest building in a few minutes. She saw Cloud and Kadaj just turn into Sephiroth. CLOUD! She cried out. He turned around just to see Tifa standing there, in shock.

"Tifa, run!!", he screamed.

She didn't know what to do. So she just left. Cloud felt an urge to just kill him already, but he couldn't, the guilt has got to him once again, he fell to his knees, holding his hand; because of his geostigma. This was the greatest chance for Sephiroth to make his move. Cloud wasn't paying attention so it was even better. He charged after him, and out of nowhere, Cloud got up and swung and jumped up in the air. He just missed Sephiroth as he stabbed Cloud through the stomach.

"Stop, let him go, or do it to me!", Tifa called out from behind them.

"No, Tifa...go, you're going to get yourself killed....", Cloud said, telling her to go back.

"No Cloud, I want to help you, I still care about you very much!", Tifa was now tearing up.

Sephiroth didn't want to hear another word. So, he through Cloud in another building, breaking the windows as Cloud flew through them.

"Cloud!", Tifa yelled!

Sephiroth turned around to face tifa. Tifa wasn't scared of him, he was just a black angel with one wing. She has had enough, she wanted him gone, and this time, forever!

She charged after him, without knowing, his sword was longer than she thought it would be, but thankfully she dodged his swings, well, only three swings.

"Tifa!!!!!", Cloud screamed his hardest as he got up.

Rain was pouring, rain was streaming down Cloud's face as he ran over to Tifa. Tifa was laying on the ground, almost bleeding to death. Cloud picked her up a little bit, trying to get her attention. 'How, how could he do this', Cloud thought to himself.

Sephiroth on the other hand, he was getting up from when Tifa had took him down, then he stabbed her, but he was just about to leave when Cloud stabbed him in the back, tears still running down his face, and Cloud did not want him going away unhurt.

"You, you are going to pay for what you have done.", Cloud said, very angry.

Just when Cloud was about to stab him again, he was gone.

'What? How did he do that?', Cloud thought.

Cloud ran back over to Tifa and picked her up all the way, then brought her to the hospital right away. When he got there, he brought her to the emerge. Cloud sat in the waiting room for when the doctor can come tell him how serious her injure is.

"For Tifa Lockheart?", the doctor called out.

"Oh, right here.", Cloud sat up, wanting the news.

"She might have to go in a coma, she needs stitches and the cause is very serious, she will be very very ill for about two weeks, I am very sorry.", the doctor said, actually looking sad.

"Um, well, may I see her?", Cloud asked, really wanting to.

"Not right now, she needs some rest, but she told me to say this to you; Cloud, I am very sorry for what is going on, so, if I die, all I want you to know, is that I love you very much, and tell the kids I love them as well, see you soon!", the doctor wiped a tear away from his face.

Cloud just stood there, in pain, in guilt, in love! He didn't want her to die, she was his everything. Even though he treated her bad, he always loved her! And always will love her!


(Back at Bar)

"Kids?", Cloud yelled, not thinking if they were in bed or not.

He didn't hear anything, so he decided to go their room. He opened the door and saw them playing with their toys. They saw him and had a disgusted look on their faces.

"I'm really sorry for everything, never meant to hurt you both, and Tifa. I am a bad person, it's really showing now...", Cloud said, slowly walking away.

He felt 4 small arms wrap around him. He just made himself put a small smile on his face.

"It's okay! We love you Cloud!", both kids had said.

"I love you too guys!", he finally said, never before, but now, he finally said it!He never wanted to say this to them, but he knew he had to, it was going to take a lot of guts, but he knew he could do it!

"Guys, we need to talk.....", Cloud started.

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