Chapter 3

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Chapter Three: Telling and Waiting.


“Guys, we need to talk…..”, Cloud started.

(In the kids bedroom)

"What is it Cloud?", Marlene said.

"Um....Tifa, kind of got hurt, but no worry she will be okay!", Cloud said, trying to make it seem so.

“WHAT!”, both kids yelled, worried all the way.

“Don’t worry, I have a surprise to keep you guys occupied, so, here it is. First, I have to make a quick call.”, he said, reassuring them it’s okay.

The kids didn’t know about it. Marlene turned around and went into the kitchen to get a drink, try to sooth herself.

“Um, could you tell me who you’re going to call, and what the surprise is?”, Denzel asked.

“Fine, but don’t tell Marlene, but it’s one of my great friends, her name is Jessie. So, all I need you to do is, no crushing on her, because she is, you know!”, Cloud said, winking.

Denzel nodded as well as he smiled. Cloud talked about her a lot. Well, ever since he started cheating on Tifa, he would talk to her about his feelings, and how he was that day. Stressed or happy, mostly stressed. One time he video chatted with her and one of her best friends, Harper. She sounded nice, but Jessie sounded, better. Maybe it’s the voice, maybe the look, don’t know, but Jessie was good for him!

Cloud excited the room and went into his room. Denzel sneaked into his room without Cloud knowing. Cloud picked up the phone and dialed her number. He waited a few seconds until she picked up. Denzel heard a big squeal on the other end. Cloud chucked a little bit, then stopped. Denzel found that she sounded worried, just from the silence.

“Um, yeah, okay, so you’re up for it?”, Denzel heard Cloud say to her.

Denzel glanced over and saw Cloud smile. ‘That means she’s coming!’. Denzel thought to himself. Denzel got up quietly, walked out of the room, and went to go see Marlene. Denzel couldn’t find her at first, then found her sitting on the farthest table in the bar.

“Hey, why you sitting by yourself?”, Denzel asked Marlene, feeling worried.

Marlene shrugged. Denzel sat across from her and saw where she was looking.

“It’s going to be okay, Tifa’s strong, you know that. And I have great news!”, Denzel said, a little more cheerful.

“What, the news better be about Tifa”, Marlene said.

“Um, not quite, but it’s about a girl, and I think you might enjoy the news.”, Denzel said smiling.

“Fine, what is it.”, Marlene said, snobby at first.

‘Holy moly, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.’, Denzel thought to himself as he laugh a little.

“Cloud just got off the phone with a girl named Jessie, she’s coming here to help out! I think you might like her. I know I will.”, Denzel mumbled.

“So, you’re saying Tifa is getting replaced, and I’m going to like this girl, um no!”, Marlene yelled.

“No! Nothing like that! Tifa will never be replaced, no matter what happens! Don’t think like that, and when she gets here, don’t be rude!”, Denzel yelled back, as well as getting up and grabbing a juice, then going into the bedroom.

‘Be like that then, maybe I’ll like her, maybe I won’t. More on the wont side.’, Marlene thought to herself.


(Three hours passed)

Cloud heard a small knock on the door. He got up from what he was doing, and went downstairs to go see who it was. They could have walked in but since bar hours were over, people had to knock. When he turned the corner to see who it was, he was amazed! He had the biggest smile on his face. He ran to the door and unlocked it. But, he thought to himself for why it was locked, the kids were outside and how did they lock it. That’s no biggy right now, she’s here!

“Hey!”, She squealed, hugging Cloud tightly.

“Hey Jessie, how are you?”, Cloud said smiling, hugging back as well.

“I’m great! What about you! And, where are the kids you always talk about? I want to meet them!”, She said pulling away with a great big smile!

“I actually don’t know? I thought they went outside to play or something.”, Cloud said, confused.

“We’re over here you goof!”, the kids came around the corner, surprised at what they saw.

“Oh okay, sorry, didn’t know where you were, thought you were outside playing.”, Cloud laughed.

Marlene walked up to her, looked at her for a long time. Denzel did the same, but he stared at the perfection that was in front of him.

“Oh, sorry. This is Marlene, and this is Denzel.”, Cloud saying to Jessie.

“Hi, my name is Jessie!”, she said bending down so she’s the kids height.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Cloud walked upstairs to where the phone was. It read; Hospital. He didn’t like the sound of that. He picked it up and just from the doctors few words, the tears streamed down his face like there was no tomorrow. Jessie heard him sniffling and decided to go see what was going on. She turned the corner to his bedroom and was totally worried.

“Cloud? What’s wrong?”, she said, going into the bedroom.

“She’s...she’s dead.”, he turned around to face me, and all I saw was tears.

“Oh my gosh, no, how, when, the kids need her, you need her, everyone needs her!”, I screamed, but very low. I started to cry, Tifa was like one of my best friends. I needed her too. She would be there whenever I needed her. But now, all I have is Harper and Cloud.

I heard the kids run into the room, bursted into tears. I felt so bad for them. I could never see my children like that. I would always want them happy and cheerful, not sad and depressed because one of their biggest family members are dead! No, this can’t be happening.

“You lied Cloud. You said she would be okay, but she’s not! She’s dead! You’re such a liar! ANd you are the one who put us in this mess in the first place! If you didn’t go off and cheat on her, then we wouldn’t be in this mess, and we wouldn’t have Jessie here!”, Marlene kept yelling.

I turned and faced Cloud and he just stood there. He had so much guilt written on his face, I could just tell. And as for me, I cried even more. I knew the kids wouldn’t appreciate me, I was a nothing. I started to walk away when…...

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