Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Brutal Beating.




“Okay, bye!”, I say, hanging up. ‘That was close’, I say to myself.

I stand up and plop on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling wondering how I’m going to work this out. I wanted to spend so much time with Noctis, but I also don’t want to keep anymore secrets from the family. I just didn’t know what to do anymore. I turn to my side and fall asleep.



(Few hours later)


I wake up and I still feel pretty sleepy. I try to fall asleep, but I’m distracted by the sunlight shining through my big window beside my bed. I sit up and look at my clock beside my bed as well. It was 8:01pm, and I got up off my bed and went out of my room. I went downstairs and looked around. I didn’t see anyone till I heard Marlene bust through the door and run into my arms.


She huffed. “Marlene?”, I say, looking down at her.


“They---Took----Them.”, she said, huffing in between.


“Calm down. Who took who away?”, I say.


“The bad guys! They took Denzel and Cloud! You need to help find them!”, she said, having worry in her eyes.


I look at her, trying to figure out where the bad guys could have put them. But, then again, who are the bad guys, I’m pretty sure they died. Or did they? “I don’t know sweetie, but first of all, what did the bad guys look like?”, I say, looking at her from her height. She still looks worried as ever.


“Um, they all had silver hair. They were all hideous!”, she smiled a bit.


I start laughing, but then I realized who she was talking about. “Oh, okay, well, where did you last see them take him?”, I ask, standing back up, looking out the door.


“I last saw them take them to the stream downtown.”, she said, trying to remember.


“THE STREAM!”, I say, grabbing her hand and running out the door.



   (Running There)


“Why are we running?”, Marlene said, trying not to trip over herself why I am pulling her. I didn’t answer her. I just wanted to focus on getting there before they could hurt them, kill them, and put them into the stream. Reminds me of when I went to the stream and I saw Tifa…..



(Flash Back)




“Hey sweetie, what’s wrong?”, Tifa says, walking towards me.


“Uh, um, I’m just on the down side, that’s all.”, I say, looking at the water seeing my reflection.


“What happened? Did someone hurt you or what?”, she says, concerned, sitting beside me.


“Well, Cloud hurt my feelings because he’s freaking grounding me for dating someone! God, he pisses me off sometimes! And he is right now.”, I say angrily.


“I know sweetie, but I pretty much know the reason he is mad at you for dating him!”, she says, giving a little smile.


“Huh, how would you know, or, how do you know?”, I say confused.


She laughs. “Well you know I can still see you guys, and I know why. He’s only mad because he’s jealous!”, she says,, chuckling a little bit at the end.


“Jealous? Why would he be jealous, he’s doesn’t like me like that.  Or does he?”, I say ‘Or does he’ quietly.


She smiles, "He does! And he also wants you to be safe with the men you choose in life because he doesn't want you in a heart break. He says your a beautiful girl and a very talented and amazing girl, you don't need heart breaks my girl, you need to choose wisely, not just because he's hot and all, look at the personality and then the looks!".



(Back to reality)


I was so into the flashback, I hadn’t noticed I tripped and dragged Marlene with me. I got up right away and pulled her up and brushed her off. I asked if she was okay, and she nodded. We started running again, and this time, I hadn’t lost my focus.

We reached the stream, and we found Denzel on one tree strapped up, and Cloud on another. I walk a few more steps while Marlene stays by my side. She holds my hand tighter. I call out their names but they don't respond.


"Marlene, stay here but keep your eyes open at all times. Okay?", I say, leaving her and running to the boys. I see Denzel move a little bit, so I head toward him. He moves a little more. I unstrapped him and he fell, but I caught him just in time.


"Denzel, Denzel!", I cry. He looks up at me. "Jessie?", he says, stuttering in between my name.


I look at him with worry in my eyes. I look over my shoulder and see Marlene unstrapping Cloud herself. Cloud is stronger, so he just dropped to the ground but Marlene is talking to him so that’s good. I drag Denzel over to where Marlene and Cloud were. I rest Denzel down and lean him beside Cloud. They both look horribly beaten, I just wish I could’ve got here earlier, to help and save them. But where was the gang, the ones who beat Denzel and Cloud up? It was strange that they weren’t here, just because you beat them, doesn’t mean you could run away like little girls they are. I laugh to myself a bit.

A few seconds later, Cloud wakes up. He looks around and all confused.

“Wha? Where am I, why does my head hurt?”, he says, rubbing his head. And another second later, Denzel woke up to. Also, their beaten must have been brutal, but then, they just….woke up! It was like a miracle. Or……..

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