Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven: Finding out and Coming back!


He kisses my forehead before we both fall asleep in each others arms.


(In the morning)

In the morning I woke up before Noctis, so I got dressed and left a note on his night stand. I walked out of the room and ran downstairs. I ran out of the house and ran home. It was 6:00am, so Cloud wouldn’t know if I was gone or not.

I reach the bar and run inside. I run to my room and flop on my bed. I fall asleep for 2 hours and decide to get up and shower, since I did, you know, have sex.

I get into the shower and I wash my hair and body. I feel water coming from my eyes, and it’s not the water from the shower head, it was...tears. I cried, and I didn’t know why I cried. It was strange that I did. Then, my chest was aching and I cried even more. I heard a knock on the door and I recognized the knock, it was Marlene.  

“Jessie?”, she asks.

“Yes?”, I say as I sniffled.

“Are you okay?”, she asks coming in. ‘Sure go ahead’, I thought to myself.  

"Yeah, why you ask?", I say.

"We'll I heard you crying so I just wanted to see if you were okay!", she said standing at the door.

"Oh, we'll I think I just hurt myself but I'm fine! So, you can get out because I'm getting out now.", I say turning the shower off.

"Okay, but I need to tell you something before you appear, I'm sorry for everything I said and did, I was just sad that Tifa is gone but I want you to know that I love you just as much as I love her.", she said, then leaving.

I just wanted to cry even more, I'm betraying the kids and Cloud. But, if I wanted to see Noctis, then I would have to do this, even if it hurt me so much!

I get out of the shower and rap my towel around my hurtful, naked body. I walk out of the bathroom and head to my room to get clothes on. I walk in and lock the door, like I should have done in the bathroom. I go to my dresser and pull out some cloths. I put them on my bed and then I turn on the TV. My favourite show was on, MuchMore Countdown!

I got dressed and listened to the music. I lay down on my bed. I turn to my night stand and I find a message on my phone, I pick up my phone and see who the message is from.

<To: Jessie,

Hey babe! I had a fun time last night, and thanks for putting a note beside the bed for me. :) And, are we hanging out again tonight or are you off grounding. Text me back when you get this! :) love you!


<To: Noctis<3,

Hey baby! I also had a fun night! And you're welcome. And I don't know when I'm off grounding, so I'm going to ask when I get the guts to ask Cloud. Ill text you in a few if I'm off grounding or not. Love you too! :)


I stand up and putting phone in my pocket. Before I could even unlock and turn the mob to my door, I got a text from Noctis.

<To: Jessie,

Okay! ;) wish you the best of luck! :)


<To: Noctis<3,

Thanks! ;)


I finally open my door and walk into the living room where Cloud was watching TV, he was also with the kids so I didn’t know what to do now. I take a deep breathe and go in.

“Hey Cloud, Um I was wondering if I could ask you something.”, I say, looking down.

He sighs, “What?”, he says, still facing the TV.

I breath again. “Um, when am I, you know, off grounding?”, I say quietly.

We look at each other at the same time, creepy. “Um, you’re still grounded. Now, if you want off grounding, you dump that douchebag, and participate in this family, or ‘keep’ dating him and stay grounded.”, as he did the stupid finger quotation around keep. He looks back at the TV. Denzel looks at me, then looks away again. I feel tears stream down my face. I walk out of the room and go to my bedroom. I didn’t care what he said for a second. I wasn’t thinking when I just ran out of my bedroom, down the hall, and out the bar. I ran as fast as I could. I didn’t want to be near anyone right now. I wanted to be by myself. But, before I ran out the door, I felt that someone watched me while I left. And also before I left, I had a hard time putting my shoes on, and I heard someone coming down the stairs, so I just picked them up and ran out the door. I cried all the way to where I found was the best place for me. It was the base of three guys that had been gone for a year now. Their names were Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo. Their base is called ‘The Forgotten City’, and every battle there is a death, and the dead peoples body would go to the Lifestream, which is in the ‘Forgotten City’. So who ever dies, their bodies come here, to sink in the water, or I should say, the Lifestream.

As I thought I was alone, I heard someone talking to me. I felt goosebumps on my arms, and a cold shiver down my back.

“Hello?”, I say very low, looking around. But then I see her. Bearly because of my tears, but I saw a figure that looked just like her. It was Tifa.

“Hey sweetie, what’s wrong?”, Tifa says, walking towards me.

“Uh, um, I’m just on the down side, that’s all.”, I say, looking at the water seeing my reflection.

“What happened? Did someone hurt you or what?”, she says, concerned, sitting beside me.

“Well, Cloud hurt my feelings because he’s freaking grounding me for dating someone! God, he pisses me off sometimes! And he is right now.”, I say angrily.

“I know sweetie, but I pretty much know the reason he is mad at you for dating him!”, she says, giving a little smile.

“Huh, how would you know, or, how do you know?”, I say confused.

She laughs. “Well you know I can still see you guys, and I know why. He’s only mad because he’s jealous!”, she says,, chuckling a little bit at the end.

“Jealous? Why would he be jealous, he’s doesn’t like me like that.  Or does he?”, I say ‘Or does he’ quietly.

She smiles, "He does! And he also wants you to be safe with the men you choose in life because he doesn't want you in a heart break. He says your a beautiful girl and a very talented and amazing girl, you don't need heart breaks my girl, you need to choose wisely, not just because he's hot and all, look at the personality and then the looks!".

"Hey!", I hear a voice come out from behind me. But not so close yet.

I turn around and see its Cloud. I turn back to Tifa but she's gone.

I get up and run into Clouds arms. He gives me a strange look, I can feel it. But the he wraps his arms around me and smiles.

"I've been looking around for you all over!", he says, pulling us apart.

I smile. Then he walks us to his motorcycle and we get on and ride home!

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