Chapter 6

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Chapter Six: Ignorance.

(WARNING! Sexual part near the bottom, well, a llttle bit sexual.)



“Shut up! The kids are sleeping, and I don’t have to tell you that stuff if I don’t want to!”, I say, almost yelling back myself.




“Don’t talk to me like that young lady. You’re going to tell me whether you like it or not!”, now, he’s yelling. I feel tears in my eyes, but wipe them away quickly so he doesn’t see them. He walks over to me and stands there with disappointment. I know he told me no dating but I think I can make my own decisions, without him telling me what to do.


“Get out!”, I say, motioning for him to get out.


“Fine! But you’re still working at the bar.”, he said as he turns around.


“No I’m not!”, I say, feeling the tears again in my eyes.


“Yes you are, that’s your punishment!”, he yelled.


“Fine, now get out…”, I turn over right away and by the time I turned over, the light was off and he was gone. I cried and cried, but then I thought to myself….’Why is he acting like this, why is he being rude to me’.  I fell asleep and ignored the thought.


(The next morning)


I wake up to the star of Denzel. Of course. I sit up and see that my pillow was really wet, but only in one spot. Then I remember that I cried last night because of Cloud.


“Hey Denzel, whatcha doing?”, I say, giving a little smile.


“Um, just wanted to, um, ask you something.”, he said looking down at the floor.


“Sure, what is it?”, I say making him look up at me.


“Why are you dating...him….”, he says, I see tears forming in his eyes.


I didn’t know how to really answer him. When I was just about to speak I heard Cloud yell from downstairs. At that moment, Cloud was a saviour, blah. We headed downstairs in silence. Cloud looked at me, then looked away, then looked at me again. “Here”, he said, handing me the phone. ‘I wonder who it is?’, I said to myself. I put the phone up to my ear and say hello. The voice on the other end sounded so familiar.


“Hey, Jessie?”, it was Noctis. I smile.


"Hey, whatcha up to?", I ask, walking into the living room.


"Um nothing, I was wondering of you wanted to hang out at my place today?", he asks, forming a smile.

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