soundless words : sawamura daichi

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« soundless are the words »

He never told you.

You never told him.

What would've happened if you two did?

It could've been so different.

The first time you met Daichi was in the first year of high school. It wasn't anything that people call "fate", but just a rather little accident.

You were walking down the hallway to find your class - which later turned out to be the same as his - with little fortune.

The long space was crowded, full of students that had yet to discover which room they'll be learning in this whole year. You didn't need to hurry, since you weren't late, you just wanted to find a good spot in the classroom to sit at.

Holding your bag and a few other belongings in your hands, you tried to get ahead of a silver haired male, probably around your age, only for your leg to get caught in his and to fall forwards while letting out a small yelp.

The boy was talking with his friends, and one of them catched you before you could make contact with the floor, like it was on instinct.

"Ah, uhm, thank you," you muttered, your breath still a little fast because of the sudden happening.

"It's nothing," he said, while a small smile formed on his lips. "Sugawara, you should apologise."

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Sugawara asked quickly before telling you that he is utterly sorry for what happened.

"Yeah, I'm all good, don't worry," you said and that little smile couldn't escape your lips.

All the while, Sugawara was the only one who noticed that Daichi's hand still was absentmindedly or not, but still holding onto yours. It didn't look like you or Daichi were aware of it, so he rather kept it to himself.


After that, and figuring that you guys all will go to the same class, you remained pretty close friends. Opening up went easier for you than you thought it would, especially with Daichi.

You and him started to spend a lot more time together around the end of second year, that was when he started walking you home, every single day. Before, you two didn't know that the route to your homes was pretty similar because you didn't go home at the same time, but after once watching them practice, it just kind of became a habit to walk home together.


"Do you think you'll be the captain of the team next year?"

"I have hopes, but I doubt so. Sugawara would be much more suited for it," he answered and you slightly punched his arm.

"Hey, come on! Don't be like that, I'm pretty sure you have very good chances to be the captain."

"You're being too enthusiastic."

"Just wait for it when they'll say »Choosing the next captain was a hard decision, but we know that the team will be in good hands if Sawamura-san will take my place,«" you said, with changing the tone of your voice that made him chuckle.

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