you don't have to : kozume kenma

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« you don't have to say 'i love you' »

Kenma was never the person of words, he rather enjoyed his games, even if he cared too much about what people thought of him. He didn't really speak a lot normally, just observed everything quietly, just like when he started to fall for you.

He never really acknowledged you until he was in his second year, but all it took was a slight brush of two hands and he couldn't stop himself from stealing glances every now and then ever since. He didn't even realise how big of a crush he had developed on you. His time in class was still spent with playing games, but every time he looked at you, he admired you more and more. He could see the little things that made you gorgeous in his eyes, for example how you had dimples when you smiled and how you always had a specific bracelet on your arm.

He was falling slowly, but it wasn't like his feelings weren't mutual.

You found yourself interested in him not long after the first year started. You always though how ironic it is for a quiet someone like him to play volleyball, a sport where communication is one of the most important things, but once you saw him playing, you understood why he was the setter of Nekoma's team. You always wondered why he was so quiet, since you wanted to befriend him, but it didn't look like he wanted to open up to anyone really.

But you already made up your mind to start up a conversation with him sooner or later.


That was what Kenma at least expected that day, that you'll come to talk to him, but he felt those butterflies in his stomach as soon as he heard your voice.

"Hi, (l/n)-san."

"I was wondering if you want to go for a walk after school? The weather's nice and I thought we could go together," you said while smiling at him.

"Okay, sure. I have practise this afternoon, would you mind waiting for me until it ends?" He asked kind of nervously, not wanting this chance to slip even if he felt those butterflies.

"Sure! We'll meet at the gym then!" You smiled and walked back to your seat.

And I wouldn't lie if I would say that your cheeks reddened at the fact that he said yes.


"Hey, (f/n), what are you thinking about so deeply?" Kenma asked while looking up to your eyes that were staring at his for more than 10 minutes at the time.

"You know, just about how we got to know each other better," you told him as you took a hold of his hand.

"There's not much to think about that...," he said as his cheeks got a slight shade of red.

"There isn't really but I love how you opened up to me and fell in love with me while I did the same thing."

You didn't say anything after that, just squeezed his hand in yours.

He looked up to stare in your eyes again and all he did was giving a quick peck on your cheeks before standing up from his bed.

You knew how he wasn't a person of words, but you knew how much Kenma loved you, that's why you didn't feel the need for him to say it.

« to say 'i love you' »


it's been two weeks (or more,,,) but here i am with another drabble for all of you! (〃^∇^)ノ

see you next time, i hope you're all doing okay.

inspiration // got the idea from : troye sivan - for him.

wings : haikyuu!! drabblesWhere stories live. Discover now