Chapter 1: What's Wrong With Me?

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Arion's POV

"Don't you love me anymore?"

"I'm sorry..." was the only pathetic answer that I got. You'd think he would at least give me a little more to work with and cope.

I started to silently sob as the man I had loved for quite some time walked away from me, an unreadable expression on his face. Why did this always happen to me? Was there something wrong with me? I don't think it's my looks that are the problem. I'm your typical pretty boy; and I don't mean it in a bragging sense. It' just a fact. I've even been told that by many people. I can't really blame them; after all, as they put it, I have, 'sparkly, piercing, bright blue eyes that out do the ocean any day and silky, soft looking jet black hair that cascades to my shoulder.' People make my looks seem so dramatic, like I'm some sort of god. So I'm almost certain my looks aren't the problem, if anything they're what draws people to me. I don't think my intelligence is the problem either. I might not be the smartest person alive, but I know I'm at least average; probably even slightly above. I maintain very good grades with an overall B+ average.So then what is it?  God this sucks...

This is my third "serious" relationship this year. Yes, my third. I, Arion Grishko, can't keep a man to save my life. I've been in so many relationships since I started high school. It's actually really depressing if I think about it. But now it's almost over. I have just one more year to go. One more painful year. As you could guess, I'm a senior. I'm not just any senior though, but a senior at Marsh Blooms High.

The school is a cross between rich and fancy and plain and boring. It all depends on where you fall into things. The rich and fancy side is, as you could probably guess, for those of the rich. The plain and boring side... is for people like me. We are considered the "poor" class. None of us were actually poor though, we just weren't as amazing as our counterparts claimed to be. They were oil tycoons sons and daughters, children of powerful CEOs with enough money to buy the whole town. We were just... normal, average. Nobody wanted to be us, at least that was the rich snots opinions. The classes didn't interact, we weren't allowed to. There was another thing too... another reason we don't interact. It's rather cliche actually. The rich side, is also the "dark side". Yep, they're all supernatural. So not only are they loaded, but they're also super cool and have powers. Some people have all the luck in the world! Enough talk of this though.

Now it's time for me to go to the office and get my schedule! I walked in and looked around for the secretary. I couldn't find her, which was rather hard to believe seeing as she was quite robust and rather loud at times. I searched a little more. Nope, no secretary. But I did find another student. He was stunning. His hair was a bleached blonde with golden streaks running through it and his eyes, oh his eyes. They were the lightest green ever with flecks of gold in them. At the sight of me his eyes turned to slits and went full gold as his face contorted into disgust. I also noticed that ears and a tail popped out. It was quite obvious that he was a demon cat. It was also quite obvious that he didn't like me being there in the slightest. I gulped quickly as I looked down at the ground and ran out of the room. Yes, ran. I was scared shitless. I had never been so close to someone from the "dark side" before who was actually a threat.

I waited patiently for him to leave through the black door on the other side of the office. Just as he did, the secretary came back in, also through that black door. That was the door that led to the supernaturals part of the school. It was sort of like there were two completely different schools despite that they were so close and connected.

As to why she came in from there, she's a vampire. No one seems to mind though since she is nice. I walked up to her. "Hello Miss Marcie." I smiled at her.

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