Chapter 7: Days of Wondering?

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This has taken a long time to write. Hope whoever's still reading is enjoying.

Arion's POV

This week seemed to go by pretty fast for me. It was kind of strange. Currently it was Friday and it was lunch. Normally it would be a good thing but... I was being tortured. I don't mean in the sense that some old man had me chained to his bed with a whip at hand or anything, but Kissa was talking non-stop about my super sexy AP US History teacher. She has it in her head that me and him have something going on, which is unfortunately untrue.

I'm not sure why she would think that though.... I mean all Mister Katna has done is bend over in front of my desk every chance he gets, picked on me every single time my hand wasn't up for a question, embarrassed and harassed the hell out of me, and tried to make me seem incapable of thinking. How the hell could she think he liked me in any capacity? I'm pretty sure the guy hates me! I'm not really sure why though. I don't think I've done anything wrong. I listen well, I take notes, and I sometimes even raise my hand, which happens to be the only time he doesn't call on me. I can't even look out the window without him calling me out for Christ sake! It's like I'm the only person he pays attention to. I can't really say that I hate it though. I'd be lying. 

But anyways, this week was hell and heaven. I'm hoping the weekend is just heaven. Me and Kissa will be going to the mall. And then we're going to the fire festival! It's a festival that oddly isn't really about fire, but mostly about the demons that make it. I'll actually be able to see a real life fire demon! It'll be so fun! I hear that all fire demons are... wait for it, hot! Get it? Fire demons, hot. No... Not funny? Okay.... But back to the point, this festival has never taken place in our town. Nor will it ever again. This is a once in a life time chance! And I get to share it with my best friend! Yes best friend. After hanging out with the crazy girl all week I realized that I really like her as a friend. She's the greatest.

The lunch bell finally rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I was finally able to enjoy myself a little bit in my final classes. Soon it was all over though and I was heading home. The walk was not long, nor was the hug I received from my mom when I walked in. That however was due to the fact that she was cooking dinner. Her food was some of the best stuff around. 

I made sure to rub my shoes off on the mat in the entry way before I took them off and set them aside. Now what should I do? Go harass my dearest mommy with friendly banter or go upstairs to my room? My room it is. I'll give the woman a break tonight. With a slight giggle I headed upstairs. 

Ever since my father left when I was younger it's been me and my mom only. So we're very close. I only "harass" her from time to time. It's all in friendly jest though. 

With a woosh of air I fell onto my bed and grabbed the remote to my TV. It wasn't big but it wasn't tiny. It was a nice twenty-four inch flat screen, just enough for me to see without it blinding me with light. 

The rest of my room wasn't to fancy, just like my TV. It was done in a black and ice blue theme, to match my eyes and hair. Girly I know. My room matched my appearance. But it was a nice set up. I had a nice sized bed in the left corner by the back, a bedside table next to it, the TV a few yards away, and my medium sized closet about three feet from the TV. Then on the right side of my room was a small sitting couch and a black beanbag chair for when I was to lazy to get to the bed. It was good. 

I skipped through the channels until I came to my favorite channel, the ID channel. Who doesn't like watching others solve murders and getting to see a glimpse inside a killers mind? I know I sure do! It's all interesting but... my true passion is art. I know what everyone must think. Wow he's gay, he's not sporty, and he likes art? Typical. What a twink. But that's rude, so you shouldn't think that. Even though it's true.

I pulled out my sketch book and flipped through till I had a clean page. Soon I would need a new one since this one was almost at it's end. I put the pencil to paper and started to draw as I let my mind wander and my hands take over. I seemed to go back to Mister Katna. Every time. I'm not sure what this warm fuzzy feeling is every time I think about him. It's way to soon to like him. I haven't even talked to the guy. At least not officially. Why would I? Like I said, the guy hates me and he has someone already.

I had been thinking longer than I thought I had been because when I looked down at my hands there was a picture of someone. Guess who? My hauntingly hot teacher. But it wasn't him in his full human form, it was of him in his weird human-ish cat form. His eyes were slitted and dilated with a strange emotion in them. One I had seen in many of the men that looked at me. Lust, desire. It was the same look he had in the hall, but without the cat eyes. I couldn't help but shiver as I looked at the picture and remembered every moment that came with it. I looked past the pad to the camping trip in my pants. Oh look! Someone decided to pitch a tent! 

Now how to get rid of this... Oh I know! Think of Kissa. Sorry girl, but no... Pretty but just doesn't do it for me. 

So now that's problem solved. Currently it's six o'clock and dinner time. It's my favorite time of the day, other than art class. I headed downstairs to where my mother was setting up the table. I was such a lucky man. 

I sat down and waited patiently for my mother to once she was finished setting it all up. I would've offered to help her but.... the last time I did that I was threatened with a frying pan. What an independent woman my mother is. I loved her none the less though, if anything, it made me admire her much more. 

Once she was seated I told her about my weekend plans. "Hey mommy, you remember that one girl I was telling you about? Kissa?"

"Oh yes dear. The girl that is 'SO AMAZING AND JUST THE BEST PERSON YOU COULD EVER HAVE AS A FRIEND!!!!' That one?" I cringed as she screamed just like I had when I told her about Kissa. Now my ears were ringing. 

"Yes... that one. Me and her are going to the fire festival this weekend. Are you going to go as well?" I asked curiously. When I told her about the festival before she cringed, so I couldn't be sure if she was interested. For whatever reason my mother did not like the supernatural world. I can't say I don't blame her though. The supernaturals are not the nicest out there.   

"No Honey, I'm not going." The look she wore on her face was as if she swallowed a lemon whole and then downed a container of salt. It was not a good look. 

"Why not? This is a once in a lifetime chance!" I bounced up and down on my seat excitedly. This was going to be a weekend to remember!

She smiled at me and my excitement. "I'm just not a big fan dear. But you go and have fun." 

"I will mommy!" I jumped up and ran out the kitchen and started to my room.

I could hear my mom yell "Be careful" up to me.

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