Chapter 2: I Hate You All?

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  Kincade's POV 

 Well fuck my life. Why the hell did I have to be the only demon to get mixed up and end up teaching these lousy goddamned morons. Thanks a lot dad. I hate you so fucking much.

I sighed as I went into the office. This place was completely drab, but I needed to finish signing some stuff. It wouldn't take me more than five minutes. I hoped. I sat down to wait for the secretary. And wait I did indeed. It's already been ten minutes. Where the hell is that women?

I stood up just as someone entered through the human side. Nasty inferiors. Wait... this one... shit! He was beyond gorgeous. I could smell him from here. He smelled of vanilla, honey, cinnamon, and sweet spices. I briefly wondered if he tasted as good as he smelled. His scent was the most arousing thing I had ever smelled. Anyways, he was just a human. That would never do. How sad. Why couldn't he be a vampire or something. He certainly was pale enough to be one. Not that it was a bad thing though. His pale porcelain doll like skin contrasted nicely with his black hair.

I turned away from him before I turned back a few minutes later. The thing was staring at me. I hated being stared at. My demon as well. He started pushing out with a sudden urge. This was gonna end bad. My demon was about to... purr? What the fuck is this shit!? He doesn't purr. Ever. Good thing only I could hear it, at least that's how it seemed.

The scent of the boy faded as he ran out of the room, probably to wait for me to leave. I don't know why, but for some reason, I really missed his scent. Not to mention that the fact he was afraid and running from me pissed me off to no end. He honestly had no reason to run. Maybe?

I sighed and decided to go back to my classroom to wait for the things to arrive. I would finish signing my shit later. But as I walked along, I decided that I had somewhere else more important to be. Kion, on the other side where I should have been placed. That demon was all sorts of delicious. I just wanted to sink my teeth into-

My demon, Kaleb, cut me off with a growl. "Don't you dare finish that fucking thought. I'm not going to put up with your shit today."

"What the hell are you so mad about? Did something crawl up your fuzzy ass and die?' I complained.

"Quite your whining. You annoy me to no end. And besides, for now it's none of your business. So leave me alone you brat." With that he effectively closed off our link, shutting me out without a second thought.

"Well fuck..." I groaned to myself. This day couldn't get any worse. I'm stuck with humans, I couldn't finish signing my stuff, and now my demon is acting like a complete child for no reason. Uhg!

I sighed, finally deciding to go see Kion. I needed a distraction and knew he'd give me a good one. He was always good, if you get my hint. Wink wink. After all, he was a fire demon, so it was bound to be hot.

The walk over didn't take all that long. All I had to do was go through the black door and then down the hall to the left. Before I had entered the black door, I noticed the secretary was back, but whatever. It didn't matter now. In was a man on a mission.

Turning into a classroom with red and flames everywhere, I noticed a certain sexy fire demon sitting at his desk. I didn't even announce myself as I sauntered over and then swung a leg over him and straddled his lap. He didn't seem to mind as he smirked up at me and then smiled. Good god his smile was amazing, those luscious, full pink lips and his ton-

"Fucking quiet!" Kaleb roared. I shut my thoughts off quick, not because I was scared of him or anything, but because I could sense strange emotions coming off of him. This made me beyond confused. He never cared much about anything other than family. Even then though it was only muted responses. But this? What he was feeling right now was full blown. It was longing, want, need and desperation all rolled into one. It frustrated me to no end because there was nothing I could do other than feel this with him. It sucked. I couldn't even help him because I didn't even know what he wanted so badly.

I sighed heavily as I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking down at Kion, I noticed something strange. He didn't look as delicious looking as before, nor did his scent of mild ash and semi-spicy cinnamon turn me on. In fact, it seemed bland, maybe even a bit gross compared to... to who? For some reason I remembered a slight smell of other spices, a faint cinnamon, honey, and vanilla mix. Where did I smell that and why did Kaleb seem so delighted that I thought of that scent? Was the devious demon messing with my senses or something. I wouldn't put it past him, but I wish he would fucking quit it!

With another sigh and a bunch of disappointment, I crawled off the smoldering fire demons lap.

He looked very confused and slightly hurt. "Is something the matter Kitty-Cat?" Of course he had to use that damn nickname that I hated so very much. But it couldn't be helped, we were childhood friends after all. Plus he was a reaccuring fuck buddy of mine. One of the very very few. I rarely screwed someone twice.

I looked over at the poor guy. "No... yes? Kaleb is very... unsettled? I'm not sure why, but he's extra pissy today and things seem different."

"Different how?" Kion asked with a curious but concerned look.

"I don't know. It's just that he's experiencing so many emotions when he normally doesn't feel anything, very little at the most. And when I look at people, everyone seems very plain, boring. Plus... it feels like he's searching for someone. I don't know who nor can I explain it." Just then the boy from earlier this morning popped into my mind. He wasn't plain or boring. The exact opposite actually. But he was a fucking human! Albeit a hot one. So not the point though.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kion. 'Maybe.... No that can't be." Kion said with an odd look.

I stared at him. "What were you going to say. Spit. it. Out." I growled.

"Maybe....," he hesitated before continuing. "Maybe you found your mate?"

I snorted before I responded. "Yeah right!" I bust out into fits of uncontrollable laughter. That is, until I looked over and I realized that he was completely serious. Then I started to think about it for real and went over the events of the still continuing morning. Realization hit me like a train. No no no! I was not mated to a human! This day couldn't get any worse! At least that's what I thought at the time.

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