Chapter 5: What now?

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Arion's POV

I could hear the door opening up. So what did I do? I looked up like a deer caught in the headlights. To my surprise, it was the guy who attacked me in the hall... My cheeks immediately went red as the full blown make-out session from earlier flashed in my mind. We basically had sex in the hallway! 

It didn't take long before he was looking over at me. In fact, the little amount of time it took was amazing. It was like he could sense me! But then again, he was a freaking demon. It's probably a power he has. I wouldn't be shocked. Demons were known to have strange powers. 

He continued to stare at me for a good ten seconds or so before he looked away and started introducing himself like I didn't exist. That kind of stung. I liked when he looked at me. It gave me an odd feeling, a warmth I've never felt before. It felt... right, good even. 

I looked away from the man and back again when he started talking, his god like voice ringing out for us to hear. "I'm Mister Katna. I'll be your teacher. And I'm warning you now, don't piss me off or you will get hurt." I looked around to see that some of the other students were either smirking or surprised. They acted like no teacher has ever swore before. If they honestly think that they should hear some of them in the teachers lounge. "Now, before we get started," he continued, "I'll repeat, my name is Mister Katna. You will not call me Mister K, Prof. K, Katna, or any other variation of the name. You will also not be allowed to make up names for me. I find that doing so for another is very stupid. On another note, I won't allow passes unless you have a proper reason to go and all requirements are filled. Only then will you be given the okay to leave. And furthermore, I. Will. Not. Tolerate. Being. Hit. On. I already have a mate." As he said the last couple of sentences my heart exploded with pain. I didn't show it though. Why would he do that to me in the hall if he had someone already. And what did he mean by mate? What was that? 

I continued to ponder it over as he talked more. That was until someone poked my side. I looked over to see Kissa. I had forgotten that she was in all my classes. 

"You're zoning out. Are you okay?" Kissa whispered to me. I couldn't possibly tell her what I was feeling, could I?

"I'm fine... today has just been a very odd day for me."

"Odd how? Hun, you can tell me anything."

I smiled at her. "I know." Was all I replied. She seemed happy with it though as she went back to watching the teacher, an odd scowl on her face. Even though I only knew her for such a short time, I really trusted her. It was extremely strange considering the fact that I didn't really care to get to know many people. There was just something about her that made me want to trust her. 

But anyway, Back to the matter at hand. I turned my attention back to my extremely hot teacher. This year was not gonna be fun. 

One of the girls in class raised her hand, causing Mister Katna to look at her from the new textbook he grabbed without my notice. It was like it appeared from nothing. "Yes? What is it?" He asked with pretty much no emotion at all. The girl looked very nervous to ask but trooped on anyways. Poor girl... 

"Mister Katna... I uh... shouldn't we do an activity or something?"

"An activity? Why would we do that?" He tilted his head off to the side. The curious look he gave her was sort of cute. It was like a kitten giving it's master an odd stare as if to ask 'what the hell?'.

"Well you know... Just for everyone to get to know each other."

"But how would that help me get to know any of you? If I really need to know anything, I can just look at the attendance list. The only thing I have to care about when it comes to you humans is who is here and who is not. Otherwise, I am not here to be your friend. Another thing I suppose I should make clear." He said it with such confidence. My stomach dropped because of it. It made me feel horrible. The thing that happened in the hall was a one time thing, he already had a girlfriend... or boyfriend, and there was no chance to get to know him. Just great...

I sighed with despair. But I noticed the girl who had asked about the activity was very quiet. She was never quiet. I looked over at her. She was slumping in her seat. I think she was dejected because her idea was turned down.

Suddenly there was something being smacked down on my desk. I didn't even realize that I had zoned out. I looked up, which was a big mistake because I was looking right into the eyes of Mister Katna. I gulped quickly as I looked back down. I think he was smirking, but I couldn't be sure as I didn't look long. 

He continued to stare at me for so long that I started to feel a bit uncomfortable. Fidgeting was not my favorite thing, but here I was doing it. Oh god. He needed to stop looking at me. It gave me an odd sensation. But I risked a peak though because I was very curious. There seemed to be a flame to his eyes as he stared at me like I was a piece of meat. 

I started to breath shallow, quick breaths as my body came alive. "I-i-is s-something wrong M-mister Katna?"

"Why yes, Mister Grishko, I think there is. Could you maybe, for even just a second, pay attention to me?" For some reason I had the strange feeling that when he asked me to pay attention to him, it wasn't for class. I wonder what he really meant by it. Or maybe it was for class and I was just overlooking it. I tended to do that a lot! But I guess I would find out soon what the true meaning of his statement was.

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