Chapter 8: He's mine!?

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Kincade's POV

I growled lowly as Kion basically pranced about, his antics driving me nuts. This weekend was the fire festival and the man was excited. Who wouldn't be, it was basically a whole festival that would celebrate him and his "talents", as those low life humans seemed to call them. Seriously. They are abilities not talents! I huffed as Kadence started to rise with my irritation. With a calming breath I settled him. I didn't need him attacking someone. Jail wasn't what I needed right now. What I needed seemed to be my mate, unfortunately... The smell of him was the only thing that seemed to make me calm. I just wanted to bury my nose in his throat and- I looked down to see that I was incredibly hard. I glared down at my more-than-happy not so little friend. 

Kion glanced over just in time to see my problem and smirked. The bastard actually smirked at my dick! "You know Kion, you've had this stuffed in your mouth more times than you can count. So I'm not sure what you're smirking at." I smirked back at him when the fire demon flushed.

"I'm well aware of that. I'm also aware though that that's probably not gonna go down soon unless you mount that mate of yours, which I'm guessing isn't gonna happen anytime soon."

I growled when he mentioned my mate. Of course he had to bring up such a sore spot. Of course there was no way I was gonna be with my mate in such a way. My week was finished with the humans and I was done having to see him everyday! Kadence mewed pathetically like a lost kitten in the back of my mind. He didn't want to lose our mate. But too bad! I can't take anymore. Being around him is so harder, harder than I thought it'd be. I figured I wouldn't care that he was around or that he didn't even seem to notice me. But I was wrong, very wrong. All week I tried getting his attention without even realizing I was doing it. I called on him all the time, I joked with him sometimes, mostly me picking on him though, and I tried to include him in discussion just so I could hear his sweet voice! Not even me bending over in front of his desk worked! It was like he didn't even care if I was there. If I called on him he got annoyed. If I called on him for discussion he just huffed before slouching down in his chair. I had a feeling my mate was a wallflower and I didn't like it. For Christ sake, he even avoided looking at my ass! Sex with him would be very awkward. 

I sighed as I sat on the couch, Kion sitting next to me gently. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up...." He looked like he was about to cry. 

"No no. It's not your fault. You were just stating the obvious. It's just that... I thought mates were supposed to have this attraction thing were you couldn't look at anyone but your mate. Even if they are a human."

"They do..." He seemed rather unsure of his reply. 

"Mine doesn't." I replied simply.

"That can't be. All mates have it. What exactly have you been doing?" I told him of everything, including the little hallway incident where I almost marked him. He looked like he wanted to hit me.

"You ass! You probably scared him! Plus you told everyone you were taken. He probably thinks you have a girlfriend or some shit!" He sighed as he looked at me. "Was he blushing anytime you bent over in front of him?"

"Well yeah... I think so. Every time actually, now that I think about." Kion smacked his forehead in a "this guy's an idiot" manner.

"He likes you. You're blowing this sooooo bad."

"Well that's good, cause I have no intentions of mating with him."

"Keep telling yourself that old friend." He got up from the couch. "I'm gonna head home and work on my outfit for this weekend a little more." He leaned over and lightly kissed my forehead in a friendly manner. "Stay safe and don't go to your mate." He was at the door in seconds with it open. He turned back to me, a growing smirk on his face. "Even if he is probably fucking someone right now." With a growl I was off the couch in seconds going after him. He just laughed and dashed out the door and to his car quickly. 

"You asshole!" I screamed as he drove off in a rush, knocking the neighbors trash can over. 

"Could you keep it down! We're trying to- Hey! My trash can! You assholes! What's with you guys and knocking my trash can over?! Fucking Kion! Ugh!" With that he slammed his door shut. I could hear him stomping up his stairs and I couldn't help but chuckle at my neighbor. Poor Steve. Kion tended to hit his trash can more often than not. The first time had been a drunken accident, but I suspected now it was always on purpose. I mean really, how bad a driver do you have to be to hit a trash can that's four feet into someones lawn. Kion clearly loved to mess with the vampire. Yes, a vampire. I lived in an all Supernatural community. A safe place for the supernaturals who don't like humans very much. I went inside with a shake of my head and a smile on my face for the first time this week.

Once inside I headed to my kitchen. All the antics of my friend and former fuck buddy made me hungry. A sandwich was clearly in order. Chicken it was. It didn't take me long to finish my plate before I was up in my room picking out and outfit for tomorrow. The fire festival was an all weekend thing, but I would only be attending it tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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