Not Leaving

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I own Demitria. Jeff Davis owns the rest.

Demi's Pov.

We were about to pass the sign that said 'Leaving Beacon Hills' when DerBear pulled over. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Look I gotta do somethings, I think its best if you and Cora stay with Scott for a while" said Derek.

"We can do things together" said Cora from behind.

"No, its something I gotta do on my own" Said Derek.

I looked at Cora then at Derek. Ugh. I dont wanna leave him, not again. "Fine" I said. Derek seemed releaved I agreed and Cora had a shocked expression. "But promise you'll call everyday and that you'll come back" I ordered.

"Ofcourse Dem" he gave me a hug and kissed Cora's cheek. Pulled his phone out and txted someone, maybe Scott. "I let Scott know and you'll figure something out" he said and headed back to Scotts.


I got out of the car while Scott took my stuff and Cora's stuff out. Cora was crying not letting go of the seat. "Cora let go! Ill be back I promised!" Yelled Derek.

"That wat you said when you left me at the park! And you didnt come cause you forgot" she cried back.

I saw Ethan and Aid Bear come out of the house. They must all be here, the both motioned Derek to move out of the way and he did. Aiden grabbed Cora's body while Ethan grabbed her hands making her let go of the seat. Derek got back in the car and said bye and left.

The twins dragged Cora into the living room which was full. The Argents, the Stilinskis, Lydia, Lahey and Melissa were here. The twins dropped Cora in the middle, like literally dropped her. "Hey, be careful! I only have one sister!" I told them. Cora was now hugging my leg. I sat on the floor with her and hugged her, she cried into my chest. "Cora its okay, he will be fine! I promise" I told her.

"No you lie too! Remember when we would play hide and seek? You wouldnt look for me!" She yelled into my chest.

"You Hale's are very hard on keeping your promises" stated Mr. Stilinski.

"You have no idea" I stated out loud.

"See!" Yelled Cora.

"Im kidding! Now stop crying! Such a baby" I said a little angry.  And she stopped. "That was easier than I thought" I said.

"You gave her an order" said Scott.

"Wat?" I asked. I did. "Im sorry, I didnt mean too" I told Cora who was now asleep. "Great"

"Here, ill take her" said Stiles. He grabbed her and picked her up and let out a big grunt.

"Are you sure? I can take her up-"

"I got this" he said out of breath as he went up the stairs.

"Well we got to get going" Chris said to us.

"Well, thank you for being here" Said Melissa.

"Imma go with them" Said Lydia.

"No we'll take you home" Said the twins at once, which was weird they rarely do that.

"Okay" she said and they left.

Melissa and Mr.Stilinski went to the kitchen and Isaac, Scott and I were.left in the living room. I could feel the awkwardness. Stiles came down the stairs and gave us a weird look.

"This house is gonna be packed..." Started Scott. "Its gonna take money, room.." I got up and sat on the couch next to Scott, which was across.from Stiles and Isaac

"Cora and I can stay somewhere else...just dont tell Der" I told Scott.

"No I think if Isaac and I sleep in the living room, you guys could stay in my room." Said Scott. "And I can work extra hours"

"Or you can stay with me? Its just my father and I" said Stiles. I rested my head on Scotts shoulder.

"Or we can all sleep in the same room, and Derek, Cora and I have money" I said in a matter of fact tone.

"How you guys dont even work?" Said Isaac.

"Well when our family died we inherited the money, Uncle Peter has money. Mom left us everything and if Laura were to die, which she did. The money went to Derek... My uncle Tony he left us money too" I said.

"Who is he?" Asked Stiles.

"My Uncle" I said smirking at him.

"Smartass" he mumbled.

"He was older than Peter but younger than my mom" I said. "He was the coolest Uncle ever...but dangerous at the same time" I said.

"You have a family here too, you know?" Said Scott.

"I know" I smiled looking at him and the to Stiles and Isaac. "Can we go to sleep now?" I said yawning.

"Yeah" said Scott getting up. "Your staying over right?" Scott asked Stiles.

"Yessss" he said as we made our way to Scotts room. Cora was on Scotts bed out cold, their was room for one more person to sleep with her.

"Stiles sleep with Cora" I told him as a laid down on the floor. And he did, aw they look so cute.

"Here, get up I got blankets...the three of us can share" said Scott. I got up and Scott put a couple blankets on the ground to make it more comfortable. I laid down in the middle, I was on my back and I saw Scott take his shirt of and took some short and left to the bathroom to change while Isaac changed infront of me. Isaac took his shirt and pants off and laid down.

"Ummm arent you gonna put shorts on?" I asked him.

He smirked at me. "Nope"

Scott came out and saw Isaac only had boxers on. "Do you mind if I sleep in my boxers too? Its just th-"

"Its fine" I said blushing a little. Two guys half naked next to me? One that happens to be my ex?

Scott laid down on my other side and I was in the middle of them. Scott laid the blankets on us. "Night" said Scott.

"Night" said Isaac.

"Night boys" I whispered.

I fell asleep and woke up around 3 at night but my back was against Scott and Isaac was hugging Scott and I. Which was very funny till I noticed that I had my arms around Isaac and my legs around Scott. I tried to push them off but that didnt work, they just hugged me more. I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.

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