School..wat A Joy

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Dems pov

Uncle Peter went with me to school. He signed me up and left. I missed first period but now I have practice for cross country. Uncle talked to the Coach saying I was fast and stuff. Which is true, even as a werewolf Im fast. I went to the lockers and changed. As I walked to the dirt path I saw Scott and Stiles by my side.

"Your not gonna cause any troubke right?", asked Scott

I rolled my eyes."You shouldnt be worrying about me.." I turned my head to Aiden and Ethan, who were by Isaac. "Im here to help"

Scott went to talk to Isaac. "Help who?, exactly?" Asked Stiles.

I turn to him "to help you guys stay alive" I turn mu attention to Scott and Isaac, just to see Isaac take off pissed and Scott right behind him. "Excuse me Stiles".

"Hey!" I heard him yell. But I was already caught up with them. They were gonna go at it with the twins! Like seriously right now? I had my claws out and my eyes were gold.

"Aiden, Ethan not now" I warned.

Aiden's claws dissapeared. "Your right." he motioned me to go, and automatacly did. He grabbed me and pushed me agaisnt the tree. I didnt expect that.

"Let her go!" Growled Isaac.

"Aaawww someone has a lil crush on your bitch Aiden" said Ethan.

"Shes mine..." He looked at me. Thats it. I hate how he thinks im a piece of meat! "so stay away from her" growled at Isaac.

I was pissed. I growled at Aiden, he raised his hand to hit me but I hit him in his cock making him bow in pain. Then I hit him in the back causing him to fall to the ground. Ethan lunged at me but since im faster I moved away. He helped Aiden get up. I looked at him and said "Im not a piece of meat you can just have" then we heard someone yell and we ran to the scene.


"I think the Alpha pack has something to do with it!" Whispered Isaac.

"No they dnt!, their human sacrafices" yelled Stiles.

"Come on Scott" said Isaac.

"Are you gonna believe him?"asked Stiles kind of offended.

Idiots! "I believe you Stiles" I told him.

"Finally!" Yelled Stiles.

I felt a hand on my arm, it was Isaac. He pulled me hard, towards him. "You believe him?" He questioned.

"uuummmm yeah,...." He looked mad and his grip got tighter. I didnt feel okay, I felt like he was gonna hurt me. "Isaac please let go" I whispered.

He seemed surprised by my reaction and he let go. I didnt say anything to them, I just left to change into my jeans and green lace tank top.


I was going to lunch with Scott when I heard someone yelling 'Isaac'. "Scott do you hear that?"

"Allison" that all he said and he ran to the direction of the screams. It was behind a vending machine. He got it out of the way and got Isaac off Allison. He was having a panick attack. I got on top off him and hugged him but he wouldnt stop. He clawed me on the sides.

"Isaac!" Yelled Scott. That seemed to control him. He hugged me back, I didnt let go so he kinda had too.

"Im sorry Dem" said Isaac.

"They want someone to gey hurt" Scott said "Thats why your here, to protect people from them isn in it!?!"

I let go of Isaac, but I was still on him. I faced Scott "Im here to protect you guys...." I looked at Isaac then at Scott "They will stop at nothing...they take orders from Duke"

"We'll get them back" said Allison

"How?" Asked Isaac.

I didnt like the way they looked at each other. "Isnt it obvious, ..." I looked at Isaac "How well can you ride a motorcycle?"


Scott and I entered our English class. Scott sat on the side of Ethan and I sat on the other side of Aiden. Scott and I smirked at them. They both looked at Scott with hateful looks. Scott started talking some parts if Ethans motorcycle out.

"I dnt know wat these are for so I just took them out" said Scott.

They were pissed. Then we heard an engine, Aidens motorcycle. He ran out of the class room. By the time the whole clasd got to the hall, Isaac was by my side and Aiden was next to his motorcycle.

"Thats a suspention" said Miss Blake

Isaac put an arm around my waist and turned me towards him. He kissed me. My fingers played with his hair. He pulled away and smirked at Aiden who was looking at us more pissed. I couldnt help but smile, Isaac made me feel like when I feel inlove with Aiden, for the first time in a long time I havent felt that way.

"Hes dead" said Ethan. He was warning me, not Isaac. You see Aiden is a very jealous man.


Uncle Peter didnt pick me up from school so im stuck walking. I was minding my own business when I felt someone grab me from behind. I couldnt brake free. I see Aiden infront of me. "I told you, your mine!" He barked. He barred his teeth and bit my side. And just like that they were gone. I grabbed my side and kept walking, till I heard a jeep pull out. It was Stiles, Isaac and Scott.

"You need a-- Are you okay?" Asked Scott getting out the car.

"No, take me to Derek" isaid. He helped me in and I sat on Isaac cause Stiles stepped on that peddle.

"Why, why are you bleeding" questioned Isaac.

"He-- Aiden, he marked me" I said breathing heavy. I felt like I was gonna have a panick attack.

"Marked you?" Said Isaac. "Like....."

"Making you his" finished Scott. I nodded.

..............At Dereks..........

He was pissed when I told him wat Aiden had done. "Wait! Why did he do it?" He came closer. I was in the middle every one else was around, like in a circle.

"Cause,...." I looked at Isaac who was staring at me fiercely. I looked back at Der. "Isaac,.... He kissed me and Aiden thinks he owns me.. And he got jealous even though im not with him-"

"I told you to stay away from her!" Der was now yelling at Isaac.

"No you told him to stay away from Cora" I yelled back. He pissed me off so bad! I was all up on his face. We were both glaring at each other.

"Well I never thought he would like you! Cora has a damm better chance with guys then you! I bet Aiden felt sorry for your ass so thats why he 'fell inlove'" he yelled. I didnt notice I was crying till Derek grabbed my hand. "Im sorry, Dem" his exprecion changed.

"Dont be sorry...." I yanked my hand out of Dereks grasp. "Im not your sister. So forget hear me!" I growled.

"Princess, doesnt mean it. Come on, Uncle Peter is here for you" he had his arms extended for me to go crying into his arms, like when I was younger.

I wiped my tears away "No Uncle Peter, im done crying... I see now who actually cares and..," I looked at Derek and Cora "who doesnt." I turn my attention to Scott. I grabbed his hand and put one of my hands on his shoulder. "I cant do wat Aiden wants me to do.." He looked confused "He and Duke want me to kill you.. Thats why Natasha came here for to warn you. 'He isnt afraid of a teenage boy, but of the man you will become" I let go off his hand and started walking out.

"Wait, whos Natasha?" Asked Stiles.

"She is the seer, she tells me things...well she did. She was in the hospital a few weeks ago." I finished.

"Shes the girl" said Isaac

"Wat girl?" I asked

"The one that saved me from the twins" he said. I was now, hopefully forsure leaving. "Dont go, we need you..... I need you"

"Stay here, im sorry for wat I said Demitria" said Derek.

"ill stay for now...Derek" I said. "We need to do some planning."

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