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Previously on Kagome and Midori Urahara 

"Don't go after her I know why she left."

Everyone looked at me weirdly.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because she ran out without saying anything so how can you know why she ran out?" Rukia asked confused

"Well if you guys even bothered to look at me than you would know that me and my sister are really close. I also know that she is very emotional right now. Which is one of the reason's she even came home. The other is because someone even more powerful than even the idiot's in the shinigami realm asked her to come help in this war. You are all very lucky she even considered coming to help in this small scale war to begin with.The only thing I don't know though is what she saw when she looked at the Quincy?"

Everyone look offended or curious. They all thought the same thing.

"How the hell did you know I was a Quincy?" Ishida asked surprised.

"Well considering the fact that your not in an uniform and you don't have a red soul ribbon. And the fact that you just said and I quote 'How the hell did you know I was a Quincy?' So tell me WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING ABOUT MY ALPHA!" Everyone jumped back when she yelled at Ishida. Ishida looked at Midori in shame and wouldn't meet her eyes. Everyone looked at him in surprise because he always met people's eyes even when he was about to be killed. Midori looked livid even Kisuke looked mad at him.

"I recognize her from my history books at school why wouldn't I be upset she was supposed to have died five hundred years ago and yet she is here walking around like nothing is the matter. Why would anyone let her walk around when where ever she goes there is a long list of the dead that follows in her wake! She should have died with the damn jewel all that time ago no one should be allowed to have that much power. SHE'S A FREAK OF NATURE!" Everyone was surprised at his outburst but what shocked them more was when Ichigo of all people attacked Ishida and held him by his throat up against the wall.

"I dare you to say that  again in front of me." Ichigo said lividly. Kagome had walked back in by the time of Ishida's outburst. Everyone was worried because they could tell that Ichigo was losing control of his Hollow side.

"ENOUGH!" a voice cut across the room. Everyone looked to see Kagome there looking upset but not letting it affect her. Ichigo looked over at her and lost control of his hollow and ran at her. Everyone pulled their swords and when to stop him but didn't have time to make it to them even Midori was surprised at how fast Ichigo moved. They all were waiting for Ichigo to lose control and kill Kagome. 

Kagome's POV

I came in just as Ishida finished yelling that I was a freak of nature. I wasn't all that surprised that Ichigo attacked him. I was even less surprised when he finally lost control of his hollow side that they were worried that he would attack me. It was fun to see the look on the shinigami's faces when they saw that his hollow was actually holding me in a protective way with him behind me and his hands on my stomach. Like most demon's do when their mate is with pup. Midori on the other hand I knew would never hold off on a chance to attack those who have defied me or insulted my honor. So when she started letting her INU side out I knew that I had to do something when she pinned him to the wall.

"Midori that is enough." The other's looked at me in surprise I guess that my huskier voice shocked them. I allowed my markings to show and they all took a step away from me. They must have known what they stood for. Ichigo even let go of me and step away to the side but still in close enough to catch me into his arms if the need arose. Midori didn't look all to happy that I had told her to stop attacking the young Quincy. I knew that she felt that the reason I left the house was because I was upset about the way he talked to me.

"But he insulted you. He caused you to run out of the house. He deserves to be punished for what he has done to you." I sighed I knew being pregnant would throw the other's of my pack into a protective frenzy but to this extent was a small surprised.

"I was not offended by what he thought about me. I have had 540ish years to come to terms about my past. I know there will be people be they be human or otherwise who will not agree with my choices in the past. But until they have been put into the exact same situation about the war I fought in then they will never bother me. I know that my choice cause a lot of death. I lost my whole family in that era. If I had the chance to go back and change anything I wouldn't I know that the choice I made was the only one that would end that damn war. I know that if I hadn't made that choice countless more lives would have been lost to that war then what already was. I know that and yet I still made that choice. I will stand by it and if other's don't agree I would love to see them in that war sacrificing all their family member one by one until even their son was dead. So I'll say it one more time LET HIM GO" I know growling at the end would have spooked some of the other's I could tell who they were because they drew their zanpakuto. When Midori calmed down and walked back over to me she sat at my feet and growled at everyone who moved until I hit her upside the head.


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