six- cauliflower

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angry/annoyed yoongi is sorta sexy af

like damn

take your anger out on me pls


two days later

it was the second day of my punishment and honestly, helping out in the library wasn't that bad. the headmaster is the real og for giving me this easy ass job. he's so nice i could cry, but i won't since i'm a boss ass bitch.

i was putting away the books in the correct order, and i was almost done when some asshat knocked down the cart that was holding the books.

"what the fu--" i turn to the left and see no one there. i look to my right and again, no one is there. i start panicking, wondering if i should leave the books and save myself. if there is some paranormal activity shit going on here, i'm not staying to find out what the hell that was. i pick the cart up and push it out of the way, trying to hurry my ass out of this library, out of this school and the hell out of korea.

sayonara suckers!

or annyeong suckers?

oh well.

"hey!" someone yells behind me and i curse. i'm gonna die! i grunt and through my book bag behind me. like hell, if i'm not gonna die trying. "ow! wait up!"

i stop in my tracks, realizing that an actual person was following me. i turn with a sheepish smile to see an irritated short male with whitish-blonde hair and sorta pale skin (he's pale compared to me anyways), stomping over to me with my book bag in hand.

"sorry," i mutter, taking my bag from him. his annoyed look never leaves his face and i raise my eyebrow in confusion. did i throw my book bag too hard? he just blinks, looking at me angrily. who pissed in his cheerios? "what?"

"did you beat up min yushi?" my eyebrows furrowed. who the hell is that? my brain attempts to remember who i fought. i laugh a little bit when i remember yoshi.

"maybe i did, maybe i didn't. what's it to you, cauliflower?" i sling one of my book bag straps over my shoulder, looking at my nails. i could feel his anger rolling off of him and waves (i swear i heard him growl too) and i giggle to myself. i like making people angry.

"that's my fucking sister you--did you just call me a cauliflower?" he changes the subject mid-sentence after he realizes what nickname i gave him. i laugh in my head, this guy is so fun to mess with.

"oh, so that was your sister? oh wait, i see the resemblance and yeah, i did. got a problem with it, cauliflower?" i tease, smiling up at him innocently. his once sorta pale face is now completely red. he looks like a tomato.

"you're so annoying! you better watch out!" he grumbles, turning around and starting to walk away. now's my chance to milk it, i think smiling evilly.

"ooh i'm shaking in my versace heels!" i shuddered, pretending to be scared. "besides you're too short to do anything, anyways. i could probably beat you blindfolded."

i look at my nails, grinning mentally when i see him stop mid-step. he turns around and honestly it's like looking at Hellboy, seeing as his face is like super red.

"first of all, i'm taller than you," he states annoyed, hands to his side, clenched. aw! he even has baby hands, how cute! "second of all, you're wearing Jordan's and third of all, i could kick your ass anytime, anyplace, stupid girl."

that has me grinning, happily and smugly. "you know that your sister is taller than me and you both and i still beat her ass, right? and i'm pretty sure that she learned her fighting skills from you."

if he hadn't breathed out so angrily, i wouldn't have realized that we were literally millimeters apart. i also wouldn't have realized that i came up to his shoulder and i also wouldn't have realized--if i hadn't looked up--that he had really pretty eyes and damn it all to hell! he's fucking hot!

he leaned down next to my ear and whispered, voice gruff and pretty much full of hatred or lust (i don't know??), "next time i see you, your pretty ass is mine."

when he walked away, i realized that, that shouldn't have turned me on as much as it did.



the next day at school, i zoned out so much, thinking of what cauliflower meant by my pretty ass is his. like he wants to kick my ass or kiss it? i would think that he would love to do the first option the most.

holy shit, he called my ass pretty!! does that mean he was staring at it as i was running from him or..? i mean it does have a nice jiggle to it, if i do say so myself.

he definitely wants to kiss my ass.

"ms. cookie!" my teacher yells, scaring the soul out of me and i accidentally punch my seatmate in the face out of reflex. she immediately holds her nose, tears running down her face and i instantly feel bad. i hurt an innocent child!

"i'm so sorry! it's a reflex!" i yell, when people start murmuring to themselves. usually, when people start to 'murmur' that is not a good thing. i think i have earned a reputation and it's not a good one, at all. especially since someone heard 'yoongi' and i yesterday during our conflict and recorded it.

"accident or not, head to detention, right now." she states calmly, handing me the horrid pink slip. i stare at it wondrously. when did she have time to write this? is she planning my downfall? does she want to fight me? cause i can most definitely do that. i stand up, sulking as i put on my book bag, the pink paper in my pocket (at least these skirts come with essentials). i walk to the door, looking back at the teacher with puppy dog eyes. she ignores me and i sigh loudly, opening the door. sighing again, i close the door behind me.

i make my way to the room that happens to be half way across the campus. passing by many students that stop and stare, pointing at me and saying that i was the one who beat up min yoongi's sister. i roll my eyes. people here really tend to focus on the drama that goes on around them instead of their damn education.

it's annoying as hell.

and before i knew it, i was standing in front of the dreaded doors that possibly led to my doom.


so that cookgi moment though (i suck at making up ship names) she gets her arguing skills from me *looks at nails*

that's not going to be the only one though ;-)))

new characters come up in the next chapter !! yasss

new characters come up in the next chapter !! yasss

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peace, love, and chicken grease

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