thirteen- jimin's secret

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hey y'all the last chapter was sort of...depressing, so i'll try to make this chapter a little bit happier (no promises though)

enjoy this interaction between cookie and her younger stepbrother, jimin :-)


last time on tough cookie (chapter eleven):

"i see what's going on here!"

"you do, huh?"

"yep, y'all fucking!"

"what? no!"

"...i have a very important appointment to get to right now!"


"...don't expect anything today..."


"where'd namjoon and zico go?"

"i don't know, they were gone when i woke up."

"it's okay, i'm here now. noona's here."

i wish we had more sibling bonding moments like this before i head off to college soon.


present time

"home sweet home!" jimin squealed, skipping into the deadly house. i shake my head in amusement. how can a 16 almost 17 year old still get a sugar rush? only jimin... and taehyung.

"calm down, jimmy boy." i call after him, shutting and locking the front door behind me. i place the house keys down on the desk beside the door, flinching slightly when it creaks.

"who's jimmy boy? i'm jimin!" jimin shouts, naruto running around the foyer. i'm never giving this boy sugar again.

"just take off your shoes and go drink some water. our parents will be home in a few hours and i do not want to explain why you're hyped up on ice cream." jimin pouts, but bends down to take off his shoes. i go to do the same but double take when i see a flash of lace and lilac under jimin's untucked shirt.

i pretend not to see it and quickly slip off my shoes into my fuzzy bunny slippers. jimin has a matching pair only his are puppy slippers.

"jimin, when you're done taking your time, go drink some water and come to my room." i say, going up to the hyper boy.

"okay, noona!" he chirps. i send him a smile and walk past him to my room.

when i get to my room i close the door behind me so i can freak out in peace. jimin likes female clothing? i close my eyes, thinking of how to handle this situation without upsetting him in anyways. i open my eyes, a smirk settling on my face as i head over to my closet.

a few minutes later, a hesitant knock sounds from behind my door and i skip to it, a giddy smile on my face. i open the door to see a teary-eyed jimin. he was just happy a few minutes ago???

"what's wrong, jiminie?" i coo, reaching out to wipe his eyes. that instead of comforting him, only made the waterworks start quicker which made me panic because i'm not good with crying people. "um, it's okay, jiminie, tell noona what's wrong?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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