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Sans P. O. V.

I slowly got up from my bed. That dream had left me bone-tired. I chuckled quietly to myself. Here I am making puns after having the worst nightmare I've had all week. No wonder He doesn't take me seriously. I walk over to closet and pull out my usual attire.

To be honest, my room is quite tidy, but only because He makes me clean the entire house. I pull on my usual dark clothing consisting of: a blood red short-sleeved shirt, a black jacket with a brownish fur hood, black shorts with a golden stripe on both pant legs, gold socks, and black converse with red laces. What can I say? I have a taste for the finer things. Heh

I walk out of my room, locking the door behind me. I may not have a lot of privacy, but I have to protect what I got. There are things He doesn't need to find out about. No matter how much of an abusive a-hole He is, He's still my little brother. I don't want him to get hurt. I ran down the stairs only to be met with a hard chest to the face. God, doesn't he make any sound when he's around? I hit the back of a stair with a loud THUD! Just what I needed; another crack in my skull.

"I see someone finally decided to stand up for himself. Is that it?" Papyrus sneered with irises glowing red. I don't need another lashing. That dream wore me out. "No, I-I just didn't see you there," I stuttered. "Of course not. You don't have the balls to stand up for yourself to me or anyone else, for that matter," he finished with a dark chuckle, his sockets glowing black . "I can see my day off will be wasted on you. Clean up this pig sty and then report to your post. If I don't see you there in the next 20 minutes, you're going to regret waking up today." I watched him glare at me while slamming the front door. Only one thought came to mind. "We're skeletons, we don't have balls."

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