The Search Begins Part Two

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                       Mettaton' s p. o. v.

"Alert my men. We're going hunting." I watched from my booth in the corner as he walked out of the crowded joint. Whispers rang throughout the diner, some getting up to follow the leader and others questioning the reasoning for this hunt. With all the commotion, I can't help, but feel the renowned anticipation with a dash of worry. Last time I saw him, he was about to turn me into a heap of junk until his attention was placed elsewhere. A sigh of relief escaped my metal lips. The memory made my joints ache. However, the memory of their blowup sent a shiver to my soul. I wouldn't exactly call him {Sans} a friend than I'd call him an ally of sorts. Though since he was of the only ones who treated me with some respect, forming a friendship with him would be the best solution.

It all started a few months ago when I had recently gotten my body from Dr. Alphys. After being awarded the once in a lifetime opportunity, I spent every waking moment with her in the lab or at home practicing proper enunciation and speech skills. When I finally got this body, I was ready to kick off my acting career. I wanted nothing more than to show Napstablook that I could be something. That I could be whatever I wanted to be no matter what anyone said. And I chose my undying dream to be a star. A star so bright that all the monsters of the Underground would cheer in praise. Love and adoration would be bestowed upon my form and they could feel something other than the hatred we've been burdened with. No one was going to take my dream, or rather, future away from me. No berating Napstablook, monster, nor human could bring down my goals. I had been given a chance and I was gonna make the best of it. However, I failed to realize that the chance given to me was not for me, but for other monsters. I never had a future to begin with. Everything I had dreamed and hoped for was exploited for a job as the Royal Scientist and the sick entertainment of others. When I was on that stage for the first time, I felt I could do anything. The cheers of joy filled my robotic ears. They were laughing with me. Everything I wanted was laughing with me. But they weren't laughing with me, they were laughing at me. Boos and cried insults filled with hate echoed throughout the building. Objects began flying through the air aimed at me. A stray brick slammed into bottom left eye. I remember falling to floor onto my knees with cries of laughter in the background. The phone for callers buzzed beside me. I slowly picked it up only to hear that voice. "Told you you wouldn't make it." My body went numb as the voices in the background seemed like they were growing more distant. He was right. He was always absolutely fucking right. Hot tears cascaded down my face. Nothing will ever change. Not the savage monsters, not the limited opportunities, not the all knowing knowledge of no hope, nothing. I should never have tried. I should've known my dream would never have come true, but I just wanted to show him I could. Just so he'd stop looking down me. But I guess he had the right idea all along. After my weeping, I walked out the building in shame. I took to staying in the shadows to avoid the taunting laughter of those who might recognize me. I found myself behind a dumpster, huddled next to the large trashcan in a daze. I don't know how long I was there, but I know it was for a couple of hours. "Hey, buddy." I looked up to gaze upon a short figure looking down on me. "Go ahead and do what you want. I don't care anymore." I closed my eye in shame, waiting for the worst. "You coming?" I looked up in confusion. He was holding the back door open to the building I was behind. The light from the establishment gave me a better look of his features. He was a skeleton, which shocked me. Skeletons were very rare finds and this was my first time seeing one in real life. He had sharp teeth and one gold fang with white pupil in his socket. His black fur jacket covered much of his torso, but black shorts and converse left his bottom half exposed. "Wh-why are you helping me?" I couldn't help, but ask. Why would someone, especially from here, help me? "Come on, I'm chilled to the bone." I continued to stare in bewilderment. Was that a pun? I slowly got up and dragged myself into the inviting building. The monsters in the what I assumed to be a restaurant stared at me as we walked to a booth. They were mean and tough-looking, like most of the monsters here, however, they had the aura of authoritative figures. I kept my head low as we seated.  A few minutes passed before either of us spoke. "So, Mr. Robot, care to explain why you were moping in the dumpster?" I flinched at those words. I continued to keep my head down before I heard a deep sigh. "Hold on, let's get some drinks first. Let's get you some oil to grease up them joints and talk again." I couldn't turn off the words spewed from my mouth as soon as I drank my oil. Guess he was right. I came to know the skeleton as Sans as we chatted. For some reason, I felt very comfortable talking to him. It was like we had known each other longer than a few minutes. I told of my dreams, aspirations, and how they were crumbled;my head hung low as I recalled the memories. "You'll keep doing it, right?" I looked him straight in the eyes. "What did you say?" A look of nonchalance stuck to his face like glue. "Asked if you'll keep doing it." I grit my teeth in anger. "Is this why you helped me? To threaten me into humiliating myself again?" Hatred clung onto every word. "Nah," Sans took a swig of his mustard," It's just that I would do it. I'd keep doing what I loved even if every monster didn't. If it's my dream, then I'm gonna pursue it no matter who tries to bring me down." My eye must have been the size of saucer because he started laughing. "Do what makes you happy, see? Kinda like dancing like nobody's watching." I lifted my hands and whispered to myself. "Dance like nobody's watching..." From that day on, I decided to keep doing my show. Though it everyone laughed and still ridiculed me, some were mildly interested in what I had to say. That alone made me happy, despite the haters. I decided to keep being me and still do till this day. I walked out of the restaurant after recalling so many memories. I made my way to the Waterfall. Even though I was not apart of the Royal Guard, I still came to meetings such as this for Sans. He liked for me to check out things while he was away at duty. I stood in the back of the soldiers lined up perfectly facing Captain Papyrus. "What's this hunt we're going on, Boss?" The blind mutts I assume whose names were Dogamy and Dogaressa asked. I watched as malevolent hate from Papyrus' face stabbed the now silent couple with a pitch fork. "We're searching for my brother. No more questions. I want each and every inch of this land searched." What? Sans was missing? The soldiers also stood there in confusion. "MOVE!" I was startled from my daze as the monsters frantically scattered in different directions. As the frenzy died out, I watched Papyrus. An strange emotion briefly crossed his face as he eyes were cast downwards. "METTATON," I flinched, "Come with me." He began walking in the direction of the dump. I scurried to catch up with him at his fast pace. "Wh-Where are we going, Captain?" "We're gonna get Sans back no matter what."

On the Next Chapter

"Tra la, la~, Beware of the Man who speaks in hands..."

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