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Papyrus' p.o.v

I watch in confusion as a blue blur zooms past me. My whole body is numb. A deaf tone rings throughout my skull as the everything suddenly stops in its tracks. Sans. My thoughts are juggled. I can't see anything anymore as I, once again, welcome the speeding black void that is unconsciousness

A groan escapes my jaw as I awake from my slumber. I try to get up, but the wall cries in pain as I realize I'm stuck. How long have I been out? A cold breeze fills the vandalized room. The hell? I look to left to see a giant hole where the the front door should be. What happened? Did one of those idiots steal something from me? The Great Papyrus? Anger floods my mind as I force my body out of the crater, despite the cries of mercy from my wailing bones and the crippled wall. I fall to the floor in pain. My whole body aches and am sure that a few parts are fractured. "I'LL KILL T-" I scream, but stop once my sockets gaze upon a smeared pile of ash on the floor. Then it hits me like a ton of bricks. Sans

Sans did this. He destroyed everything in the house. The one who got me lodged in the wall. What's his problem? He just went ballistic after I set him straight by burning the useless piece of paper. Then he ran away with that look on his face. The one he always had ever since I joined the Royal Guard. If he thinks I'm going to let this slide, then he's got another thing coming. He's been acting weird all day and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it. When he gets back, he is so dead. I'd go after him myself, but I can barely keep consciousness. Rest is all my mind wants to focus on. I manage to drag myself up the now broken and rickety stairs to my chambers. However, I can't help the nagging feeling inside when I collapse on my king sized bed. He'll be back

                He always comes back

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