The Fight

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I came "home" a few minutes ago, but I've already cleaned every nook and cranny, not a single object out of place. I save dusting an old framed photo on our coffee table for last. It's a picture of me and Papyrus when we were younger. I'm sitting dressed in a white lab coat at the old shack that turned into my present day post while being shaken awake by an 8 year old Papyrus in his PJs. I remember that. I had finished doing something and I got so stressed out that I decided to take a walk. I found the shack and just sort of passed out. I left Papyrus back at home asleep, but I guess he got worried about me and went looking. Come to think of it, I don't even know who took the picture or how we got it. It doesn't matter. I love this picture more than a Titan sized bottle of mustard. It reminds me of good times (as good as they could get). Times when Papyrus didn't hate me and treated me like I was someone. Now he doesn't even look in my general direction without anger or disgust written on his features. I honestly don't know what happened to him. I did everything for him. I even helped him get into the Royal Guard and I regret every fabric of that decision. He became commanding, nasty, just a whole another person. Papyrus looked more and more like a demon when he walked through the front door every night from training. I always tried to see what was up, but he just pushed me away with a weird look in his eyes. That's when he started hating me. When he became violent towards me. When the only thing that came out of his mouth were commands and insults. Becoming the leader of the Royal Guard made it worse and I began to truly fear him. I knew nothing could change him. That's when I started to call him Boss. When his very presence sent a shill down my spine. When I became so alone. I start to remember why I was here in the first place and that's when His voice echoed throughout the room. Tonight

This has never happened before; me standing up to him in any timeline. I wish that intruder was Frisk and that stupid flower to hold him off, but then again, I don't. He may hate me, but I could never hate him. I'm tired of holding his dwindling essence. Tired of watching him die by the hands of a scared human who doesn't want to kill. Tired of being tired. It just gets worse with every reset. And it kills me every time. It's all meaningless and will just reset, but I can never stop myself from crying with his torn scarf crushed in between my boney fingers. Like everything in my entire life was lost. Because he's my everything. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a slamming door and mumbled curses. I dare not turn around. "So you're just going to stand there like a piece of meat or are you going to face me?" I can't will myself to face him. I can't. Cause if I do, then something inside of me will snap. I don't know why, but something is breaking inside of me and I can't stop it. I can tell he's getting angry by the killer intent lacing the room."Look at me, Sans." Another moment of silence sweeps the room. "LOOK AT ME" My feet move on their accord to his fury. By the time I look up from the interesting patterns on my sneakers, a wave of anger-fueled Magic knocks me off my feet along with light-weighted objects. "YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING SON OF A-" I prepare for a blow until I hear the sound of glass shattering. I look over my shoulder and see our picture on the ground surrounded by glass shards. The heart wrenching feeling of sadness clouds my thoughts. My face must've shown how I felt because he also turned his gaze to our treasured memory.

"This? You're sad over this! You're so weak that you let your emotions control you? Unbelievable!" I watch as he stomps over to the frame and yanks out the photo. "See this? It is nothing. Not even worthy to be stepped on by my boot. I can't believe how weak you are!" He continues his berating as a sudden smirk graces his features. "Since this seems to be holding you back, then I'll just have to push you forward" Oh God, please don't do it. But it's too late. He burns my treasure to ashes within seconds and crushes it on his hand while I stare in horror. "Better?" He's standing there in victory. Like it meant nothing to him. Like I meant nothing to him. It's broken. That thing inside of me is broken and is letting loose. A battle cry breaks from my jaw as a blue force destroys everything and slams Papyrus into the wall, nearly smashing it. He destroyed it! He destroyed the one thing I had. The one thing I knew he couldn't take away from me, but he did. Right before my very eyes. Everything is being set on fire by my fury. He's flashing through my mind. All I see is his smirking face. Through my rage, I look upon Papyrus' figure stuck in the wall. He's unconscious and suddenly, he's no longer the devil in disguise. He-he's a newborn skeleton looking at me with those eyes. Those eyes I came to love, but came to hate me. I can't take it anymore. I gotta go. I break the front door as I run into the dark night

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