An Accidental Meet Up

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It was a sunday morning and the Ninelives crew was heading on off on tour once again. Everyone was somewhat reluctant on packing for it as traveling can be exhausting, but at the same time every job had its ups and downs.

Aron in paticular was more reluctant, every time anyone asked he said he didn't want to talk about it. Even to Jimmy who was his closest friend. This didn't necessarily bother him, but it did concern him slightly that Aron wasn't telling him what was bothering him so much. What could be so bad? It was another tour. Maybe he was just sick of the schedule?

Their first day on the road gave them an answer, it was early in the morning and everyone was looking to shower, brush their teeth, ect. At the moment Tony was in the bathroom showering so in the meantime, they decided to stop at a gas station to get food since nobody in paticular felt like cooking. The first day always took a bit for them to adjust to since sleeping on a bus means getting used to the feeling of it. Once the bus stopped, Aron was heading out when he saw something in the window and went to look.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me..." he mumbled.

Everyone else except for Tony of course, went to see as well. Outside there was another bus, but that wasnt exactly the strange part. A lot of tour buses from people who would be touring with them would happen to meet up somewhere out of chance, it was a common thing. What caught their attention was the people heading out.

Five familar people made their way out of the bus. The tallest was a guy fairly tanned, he had on a blue shirt with green plam trees on it. Funnyman definitely had more tattoos but other than that not much seemed to change.

The next guy was paler with curly black hair and following behind was a guy wearing a snap back with various tattoos most of which even from here Jimmy recognized as the familar butterfly theme. Da kurlzz stopped straightening his hair and Johnny got more tattoos, but he couldn't tell if he got a hair cut considering the hat.

Jogging to catch up to everyone in front was a shorter guy with sunglasses, a hoodie and a hat. Soon the jogging turned into full sprinting as him and the other two that first came out must've decided to race. Charlie might've changed in some way, but honestly he couldn't tell with everything he was wearing and the fact that he started running.

The last one to come out was a guy with a hat and sunglasses along with gauges which he'd recognize anywhere. Jorel stopped dying his hair, but was still just as cute as Jimmy remembered.

"Is this the only tour we could do at the moment?" Arina asked

"..Looks like it.." Brian sighed

"Wait, the last two stopped." Jimmy pointed out, getting everyone's attention

They were all confused. Did they see their bus? Did they recognize it? Did they see them and recognize anyone? Everyone just stared waiting to see some sort of explanation.

After an agonizing minute, a sixth person ran out after everyone. They seemed to be shortest and were wearing a red flannel and red hat. They had couple tattoos from what everyone could see, but nobody could make them out. From what Jimmy heard from Aron, they did find someone to replace him so chances are this was the guy.

As soon as they caught up, Johnny and Jorel continued walking while Johnny seemed to be talking to them before ruffling their hair to which they tried swatting his hand away. In response, he quickly did it again prompting them to shake their head. Johnny seemed to be laughing so maybe lecturing and or teasing him? If so, probably about him having to catch up.

Eventually Jimmy took notice Aron had left and wasn't up front with everyone else. After leaving and going to look he found him staring intently through one of the other windows in the back of the bus.

"You okay?" Jimmy asked

It took a minute for Aron to redirect his attention before responding.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he answered plainly. If he was upset, he definitely didn't give it away since Jimmy didn't detect any sadness or anger in his voice, if anything maybe slight curiosity. Maybe he was staring at what they thought could be his replacement.

Now everyone was a bit reluctant on going out. This was Aron's old band. Would any of them be recognized? If so, would they be mad? Could it turn violent?

"Do you think any of them would start a fight?" Tye asked Jimmy, he seemed genuinley concerned. Aron didn't really want to talk about them so they decided to leave him out of it.

"Um....from what i remember Funnyman, the tallest is the more hot-headed one. There's a chance Johnny or Charlie would, and none of us know about their new guy.." Jimny trailed off, trying to think of anyone else.

"Oh! And J-... J-dog." He added, having to correct himself before saying Jorel's actual name. Even if nobody actually thought it, he would probably still get teased about having a crush on him.

"So, most of them." James commented.

"Basically.." Jimmy sighed. Even if not everyone knew Aron's old band it would be safer if they'd overall avoid everyone.

"Well, it'll probably look weird if by the time they come back nobody left. We didn't even get gas or anything." Arina pointed out.

Everyone eventually decided to go and were slowly and reluctantly heading out. Meanwhile, Jimmy was still checking with Aron.

"You're not going?" Jimmy asked.

"No, I'm already surprised you're going, they'll probably start something." Aron said. Jimmy didn't think Aron intended to sound too harsh, but it also made him somewhat uncomfortable. What if it did get violent? How were they supposed to handle it?

Jimmy then pushed the thoughts aside and started heading out before getting called back.

"Hey Jimmy, wait!" Aron called out, making him turn around to see what.

Aron handed him five dollars.

"Get me something, but I want the change back." he instructed out

And with that, Yuma headed off the bus to go get something to eat while hoping nothing went wrong.

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