Holy Fuck

36 4 1

It had been two days since Jimmy's incident and once again they had another concert. The typical things were happening. Tony had taken forever in the bathroom. Someone looking for their masks. In this case it was Tye. Except this time most of them were heading off grabbing their guitars and such. Strangely enough though, Aron had taken Jimmy's guitar already. Maybe because of his hand.

So far, considering the size of the burn covered most of the back of Jimmy's hand. it still hadn't even healed despite the excessive amount of burn cream and Aron wanting it to be cleaned daily. Though in Jimmy's opinion it was why it was healing so slow.

One they had gotten to the venue Jimmy finally went to grab his guitar from Aron. Upon doing this, Aron gave him a concerned look and went to set it down, though from his look Jimmy could tell it wasn't exactly gonna be good.

"You're not playing tonight." Aron replied somewhat plainly, making Jimmy frown.

"Why?" he asked.

"Your hand is still pretty badly hurt." Aron replied, already going to lead him to sit on a couch back stage.

"It's not that bad." he argued.

"Make a fist then open your hand, and do it slowly." Aron instructed.

Jimmy then did such, wincing slightly as he felt his skin almost drag against the bandage, he may have been overreacting, but it was still pretty sensitive.

"Does it hurt?" Aron asked. His expression saying that he'd saw Jimmy wince, but if he were to guess Aron was probably asking so if he lied he would know if he might be lying later on.

"A little bit, but i'll be fine." Jimmy replied, watching Aron fown in response.

"If it still hurts you can't play." Aron said, sitting next to him.

"But Aron, it's not that bad" He whined, like a child.

"Yes it is, it still hurts. If it hurts, its still healing." Aron insisted.

"So, you're gonna stay here, do whatever, and Bryan can play your thing. It's gonna be okay, he knows your parts." He added putting a hand on Jimmy's shoulder.

Honestly in Jimmy's opinion, Bryan could probably play his parts fine. He knew what he was doing. The problem was Jimmy enjoyed playing guitar he didn't want to miss out. But it was only once. Maybe one time wouldn't be the end of the world.

"Fine...I guess just once since this will probably heal by the time we're at the next venue." He replied.

"That's good! You can maybe sleep on the couch or something till we're done, or go back to the bus if you want-"

"Aron! We're gonna be going on soon and a microphone isn't working!" Called out Arina, cutting off Aron who merely looked at Jimmy with an expression that read 'sorry', and got up to head off back to help the rest of the band.

Now Jimmy was left alone. We'll partially alone as there was various band members from other bands piling in as NineLives was on first so they didn't have to show up immeaditely.

Most of the bands he didn't fully know, but he immeaditely recognized Hollywood Undead. It wasn't that hard with them having the pale drummer with dark curly hair, or they're shortest member wearing a bright red sleeveless hoodie. Though mainly it was because he could probably spot Jorel in a crowd. I mean how couldn't he? Not many other people have gauges.

Okay maybe not just because of his gauges, but still Jorel was one of the few with them.

Jorel was wearing a black hoodie with something in white writing on it which he couldn't make out, possibly Dead Coltoure or Misfits. He couldn't remeber which was on a shirt and which was on a hoodie that he recalled Jorel having. He also had some jeans, and a black hat with 'LA' on it in white.

Upon seeing Dylan suddenly looking over, he looked away avoiding eye contact, and merely stared at his right hand. He kinda wondered if they could see his hand from here and thought he legitimately broke it.

Trying to keep himself busy, and so they'd think he wasn't looking and saw them, Jimmy went to play any sort of game he could from the appstore with what little space he had on his phone.

Getting caught up in this, he didn't notice the figure that appeared.

Next thing he knew somebody grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, twisting it so he couldn't fully breathe, and slammed him against a wall, knocking the wind out of him. Well fuck, now he wished even more that Aron let him play. Though it wasn't really somebody considering he knew who it was.

Sure enough it was the guy from the previous place who he stole the ductape from. I mean, who else would it be?

"You piece of shit!" They spat, in his face as Jimmy tried to peel their hand off his shirt. It didn't take much effort though, as they looked more ready to punch him than anything. Honestly Jimmy wasn't sure if he'd just made it worse or not.

"Are you deaf or some shit? Do you not know what fuck off means? It means fuck! Off! I'll make sure you can't even so much as pick up a roll of ductape!" They hissed, already grabbing Jimmy's right hand so he couldn't run Immeaditely, and squeezing it, which hurt like hell. Not just from the burn, but he could feel his knuckles being nearly grinded together. Not exactly a great combination of feelings.

Suddenly a hand snaked around Jimmy's waist, pulling him close, making the guy let go of his hand. Another gently held his chin and pecked him on the cheek.

"Hey sweetie! Are you doing okay?" An all too familar voice asked.

Immeaditely, Jimmy turned his head to the person that was suddenly was at his side.


It was Jorel.

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