Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

Jack Age: 4

It's been a few weeks since what happened with Bill and Jacob. I've been staying in there old room since then. My birthday passed a few days ago. Happy Birthday to me.

Nobody seems to know what to do with me, I killed Bill and Jacob, well Jacob might as well be, he's been moved to a hospital.

I wish I knew why I am able to do these sort of things. I decided to go though some of Bill's old stuff. I already took everything that Jacob owns, or at least everything that wasn't some sort of drug, I decided to throw those out the window, I'm not planning to go that low. What I found was some old movies (No DVD or VCR players) a few pairs of clothes that were way to big on me, a few twenty's, a pad of white lined paper and a few pens (Jackpot) and a golden ring.

I put everything down on the floor I had everything nice and straight and perfect.

I first went through the basic stuff, I knew the clothes were to big on me, but they were nice, perhaps I could sell them to the kids down the hallway. I then picked up the money three twenties which was...sixty dollars? Annie used to tell me I was great at Math and mechanical stuff, like just a few days ago the kids couldn't get there TV to work. These kids were twice my age or older. But they don't have a school or anything here, and the people that are supposed to look after us are either military men or Miss Kathy.

I then picked up the ring, It was a golden ring with some symbols that I didn't understand carved on the side of it.

I put the ring on.

It was way to big for me, but when I wore it, I think it might have glowed.

I then grabbed the pad of paper and one of the pens. And I made a list.

Things that I own:

-$120 dollars Cash

-One golden ring

-Two movies, (one VCR, one DVD)

-extra clothes (way too big)

-three set of clothes

-Annie's Necklace

-One unopened letter from birth parents

-Staff of Guidance (Missing)

After reviewing through all of my belongings. I released that other then the drugs, Jacob only had a few bucks to spare, that was everything he owned. I mean other then the stuff Miss Kathy came to get for him a few days back.

That's when someone knocked on my door and opened it all in one movement.

"Jack Turner?"

The man was fairly tall, with brown eyes and a buzz cut. He was clearly one of the soldiers because of his uniform and the way he asked my name.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Your requested by Miss Kathy to move up to floor four, and you are to move your items to room 416 ASAP."

"Yes, Sir." I replied, he left the room. And I began to pack my things into the military bag that they gave me a few days after coming here.

From what I heard there's mines, and they make kids over 8 go down there to mine out areas. It's how the orphanage makes eighty percent of there money.

Ores and natural materials sell for a lot near the City and the area around it. The whole area is covered by a shield or what some people call it the "Dome" and in all of Human history the only people to go in or out were a Exile team of super powered people who called themselves the "Spies" of course that was nearly five hundred years ago.

The elevator was the longest part of the trip to my new room. The old elevator music was pleasant. I've never been to the fourth floor before. I started to wonder if things were done any differently from the third floor.

The elevator slid open. And with it there was a man, or more like a boy.

"Hello, names Max, friends call me Shadow. Your Jack right?" Shadow seemed nice from his voice. But he looked like a demon from hell. He had human features. Two hands, two feet, etc. But his eyes were massive and they were Red! But the pupils on his eyes were black. He had a tail like the devil and skin as black as night. He wore old brown ripped shorts, blue running shoes with white socks and no shirt.

"Yeah?" I replied. He clearly heard the fear in my voice, I mean come on this is the kind of crap four year old me saw in his nightmares.

"Jack, its okay, I wont hurt you. I'm your new roommate, Well me and Tim, Hes back at the room. Want me to carry your things?" Shadow asked glancing down at my bag. He could tell it was wearing me down.

"No I got it!" I lifted the bag on to my shoulder. There was NO WAY I was trusting someone with my stuff.

"Ok, suit yourself. Follow me I could the room key." Surely enough I followed Shadow to my new room, and his room.


That's when I met my two best friends Shadow and Tim. They were more like brothers too me. I walked though the forest, and I came to the clearing. There it was the Sorcerers Camp!

The clearing was a huge field with tall grass almost tall enough for me to hide in. At the other end of the clearing was the massive wooden wall of the Sorcerers camp. It had metal spikes to keep people out. But I knew they would let me in. After all years ago I learned that I wasn't only Jack Blade, adopted son of Tony Blade. I was also Jack Turner some of the deceased William Turner leader of the Sorcerer village.

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