Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

I moved my way up the staircase, never looking back. I was worried about Shadow

"Could he fight off six Zinc class soilders?" I asked myself.

I made it to the fourth floor in a mater of seconds, I ran to our room, my room. And opened the door, when I ran into the room I nearly tripped on the person standing in it.


He would help Shadow!

"Jack, you okay?" Tim asked. He walked over to the door and looked both ways down the hall, he turned his attention back on me.

"Was Shadow with you?" Tim asked.

I just nodded my head, I was too out of breath and in shock to say anything.

"Is that your knife?" Tim looked down at the knife I had around my waist.

"Shadow...Attacked....Supplies....Zinc...." I was panting when I answered, he probably thought I was answering in a another language.

"Jack, slow down." Tim picked me up and sat me down on the bed, he went to get me a bottle of water from our mini fridge.

He handed my the bottle and I drank a quarter of it before coming up for air.

"Shadow... We went on a supply run, he...was attacked by Zinc Soilders." I finally got it out.

Tim exhaled heavily.

"Crap." he whispered.

Tim ran over to the storage room in the wall, he grabbed his trusty five seven handgun, along with a simple Sword.

"What are we gonna do Tim?" I asked jumping off the bed.

Tim started to pack water and food into a backpack.

"Jack, we're leaving!" Tim packed two backpacks full of food, water and supplies that him and Shadow have been stocking up for the last two years.

"But, what about Shadow?" I asked. "We can't just leave him!"

Tim grabbed a wrapped item from his drawer. I didn't know it at the time but that was a armed grenade.

"Jack, Shadow can handle himself, he'll catch up." Tim handed me one of the backpacks and we headed out.

Tim carefully hid his handgun in the pack of his pants, we didn't want to look like we were escaping. Then again we had heavily loaded backpacks.

We almost made it to the elevator.

"Tim, Jack where are you going?" for a split second I thought it was Shadow. When we turned around however it was quite the opposite.

It was Miss Kathy.

"Hello Miss Kathy, we were heading to find our room mate Shadow, he seems to have run off." Tim tried to answer that calmly.

"Don't worry Timothy, Max is being taken care of, and I would suggest you take the boy to his room. Before he gets hurt." Miss Kathy had that smile, that said "It's ok."

"Miss Kathy, If you don't mind." Tim started.

"I DO mind, Tim, I very much do." She cut Tim off. That's when I noticed Miss Kathy reaching for her pocket, She pulled out a Knife!

"Get back to your room boys!" She yelled.

I was standing there wanting to do something, anything to help.

"Miss Kathy, why do you want to kill Shadow?" I asked.

Miss Kathy looked down at me, she was now showing her "Crazy Face."

"Simple, Jack. The three of you are pure evil! I mean Timothy here crossed the dome. Shadow is the face of hell for crying out loud, and you little kid, You murdered you own sister in cold blood. The three of you deserve to be dead, I mean how many people have you killed?" Miss Kathy was yelling she got so lost in her speech that she didn't notice Tim point the gun at her head.


Miss Kathy with the life drained from her face, fell to the ground.

"That's One." Tim replied, answering her question.

That's when the elevator doors opened and the Zinc General stood there along with four guards, that quickly surrounded Tim and I.

One of the guards checked Miss Kathy for a pulse.

"She's dead Sir."

"Crap." Mr. Kenway replied. "Bring out the Boy."

Two more guards came out from the staircase, they were holding Shadow.

"Hey, guys." Shadow said to us.

During this I was hiding behind Tim, Who had a loaded gun aimed at the Generals head.

"Watch yourself kid." The General seemed calm.

"Let the three of us leave." Tim demanded.

"I can't do that, even if I wanted to." The general was making eye movement toward his men I think they were.

And that's when the Zinc got the better of us, They grabbed Tim's gun and threw it towards the General, who caught it and pointed it back at Tim.

"That's better, now hands up." The General was aiming at Tim not so much me.

We didn't put our hands up.

"Are you deaf? I said hands up!" That's when the General pulled the trigger.


The bullet went right past me and Tim, it didn't hit anyone.

A warning shot.

"Last chance." The General spat "For the Murderers."

I don't remember the fight, it was all black.

I just remember that somehow, someway we won and we ran for our lives.                       

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