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"OH MY HANNAH!" Haley screamed when Colby's run down car pulled in.

"Oh boy" I sighed to myself. "Try not to be crazy fan girls, I was chill at first"

      "Then that's probably because you didn't know about their channel then!" Laína suggested, suddenly very interested. I gave her a surprised look considering she's always skeptical of all my guy friends. Muffled voices and keys clinking were heard approaching the door so I decided to scare the girls.

      "You know guys. If they come in and see four eager girls wating wide eyed, they'll probably get scared and not like y'all" I sat down and evilly smiled as they all fumbled to the ground trying to look casual, a few squeals sounding.

      "Yeah, she was really pretty- oh! Hey!" Colby awkwardly greeted all the distraught girls on the floor. They all said hi in unison then giggled like five year olds. When he saw me his face just showed he felt awkward about something. I shook my head and stood up to greet them, brushing off what he said. Sam followed in behind and gave an uncomfortable smile once realizing everyone in the living room.

      "Sam and Colby, meet Laína, Haley, Cane, and Maggie!" I pointed to everyone. "Girls meet-" I was cut off by Haley shoving past me and making me stumble a bit.

      "Haley. Nice to meet you guys! Your videos are so funny and inspirational!" She hugged them both and started talking. All the girls followed so I just excused myself out of the situation. I made my way upstairs to make sure everything was in order. As soon as I got up to my room I heard a squeal so I listened then heard them taking pictures. Fangirls. I set everyone's sleeping bags up and made it look all tumblr and shit in there. When I came back down the girls and guys were sitting and watching a movie.

      "Hey Erin! Wanna watch a movie with your best friends and roommates?" I said in a manly voice as I walked down the steps. "Sure! Come on down!" I then said in a super girl voice. They all stared at me with apologetic smiles then laughed. "What movie?" I asked looking around the room for a seat. Haley and Cane were by Sam and Maggie and Laína were sitting next to Colby, no chairs but a nice floor. I plopped down half expecting someone to get up and move but nope!

      "How To Be Single. We'er about 20 minutes in so you didn't miss much" Sam said then proceeded to tell me what I missed. No one interrupted him because they were all memorized by him, but Colby thought it was funny.

      "Cool" I said laying stomach down on the carpet once he got me caught up. This will be a long night, but hey I won't remember it because I'll be passed out within another 20 minutes.


Sam's POV:

      "What do we do?" I asked Colby, Maggie and Haley. The rest of the girls were passed out and we didn't want to have to carry them all up.

      "We could leave them down here?" Colby suggested but Haley shot it down because Erin apparently put in a lot of work in her room.

"So... Now what?" I asked dropping my hands by my sides looking around the room. "I think we should all just carry them up then" I shrugged.

"Not to sound like a bitch but y'all can carry them up, I'm not that strong" Haley batted her eyelashes and walked upstairs pulling Maggie along. Colby and I looked at each other and started laughing at the situation we were put in.

"Hey um. Wait. Can I carry Erin up?" I felt awkward asking that but, I have my reasons. Colby gave me an awkward look as well and clapped his hands in front of him.

"Yeah! Sure" he dragged out the R in sure. I nodded and bit my lip then bent down and started to pick her limp body up. Colby scooped up Laína and started to shuffle over to the stairs with an annoyed look on his face but I just rolled my eyes and followed. As I walked in Colby walked out and skipped down the stairs to get Cane. I laid Erin down on the bed and watched her eyes dance around in her head. She's definitely grown up from when we were younger, she's a woman now. It's weird. I laid her down so she was on her side in fetal position when I heard grunting entering the room.

"You could have helped maybe?" Colby set Cane down on her sleeping bag.

"Sorry man, distracted. Where's the others?" I looked around for Maggie and Haley but they weren't in the room, thank goodness.

"Bathroom getting ready, I heard their giggles" Colby chuckled. "I guess I'm gonna head off to bed as well" he waved.

"Alright me too, see ya in the morning" I waved back as he left. Looking back at the girls, I smiled then dimmed the light and walked to my room.


Erin's POV:

When I woke up, everyone was in my room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, these girls are gross. Maggie's foot was in Laína's face, Cane had drool all over her pillow, but Haley looked strangely perfect. I threw my legs over the bed and tiptoed around some of the girls that slept on the floor. When I reached the hallway, I stepped into the bathroom and jumped back when I saw my hair. It was all knotted and messy so I pulled open a drawer open and immediately tried to fix my hair. When I was decent looking I left the bathroom and hopped downstairs. I rounded the corner and into the kitchen when I ran into a wall.

      "You okay?" Colby laughed from the kitchen table. I stumbled back and held my nose but ignored the pulsating pain that throbbed with a steady beat.


My prayers go out to Christina Grimmie's family tonight as she was shot and killed when meeting fans (6/11/16). She will be deeply missed as her music will still live on in the hearts of her admirers and fans! Love you Christina! ❤️😭😖


Please feel free to comment and let me know how the book is going, sorry this chapter was short, I couldn't think straight 😔

Thanks and read on lovelies! ❤️

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