The end???

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You continued to stare at the article in shock, suddenly there was screaming "its her!! They started running to you and started throwing stuff at you Hana tried to stop them and protect you but you were still in shock so you couldn't move. Hana quickly got you out there and brought you home and cleaned you up "what is up with people these days, how could they just do that?!"  Hana screamed out "maybe I should just end it" Hana looked at you in shock and grabbed your shoulders "Y/n! Don't think like that!!" She clearly thoughy that you meant killing yourself "no, no not like that, I mean like ended it with Jeonghan.." you say "oi, if me and S.coups can make through it so can you!" Hana tried encouraging you but you were still having doubts "but no one knows that you are dating him every one thinks I'm dating Jun"  your phone rings suddenly and you pick it up "hello?" "Y/n? I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, do you think we  can meet up I'll go to you, wait for me on your rooftop" you identified the  voice to be Jun  "ok" and with that you hung up.
You were waiting at the rooftop for Jun and when you heard the door open you turned around and saw Jun "hey-" " come on Y/n lets go" he suddenly grabbed your hand and dragged you somewhere. "Oi Jun where are we going?" He stops in front of a building that looked like a auditorium and before you could say anything he dragged you inside, when you went inside you saw a whole bunch of fans and seventeen on the stage, you were getting nervous because of all the whispers, Jun continued to drag you up to the stage and right next to Jeonghan "she's my girlfriend, not Jun's" he said putting his arm around you and you stare up at him shock.

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