chapter 4

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       After just staring at him for a few seconds I started to laugh and he followed in suit. Johnnie helped me so I was standing straight. Everyone was staring and a few smiled. Then I realized Mike the most "popular" guy in class had seen. Dangflabbit I mean he's going to mess up everything! Johnnie just coughed over another laugh while looking at his a-maze-ing shoes. Mrs. Glenn walked into the room and sat at her computer. I tiptoed over to the desk being strange, "Mrs. Glenn?" 

         "Yes, Sam?" She looked up at me interested in what I was going to say next until she looked over at the door. "A new student I see. Well, you can go sit by Joey so he isn't practically laying all hour." I casually looked at Pookie who was pissed but let his feet fall off the chair.

       Johnnie looked over at me and wandered closer, "Hi, I'm Johnnie."

       "Mrs. Glenn is the name and Geometry is the game," the teacher replied. Mrs. Glenn's brown short hair was pinned so it stayed out of her face. She had brown eyes that had a green tint to them. A black sweater and brown slacks were being worn by her today that made her seem a bit slimmer.

       Johnnie smirked and walked over to the chair that Pookie had been forced to give up. I sat down in my chair that was beside May. "The new kid is hot. I looked over at May who had made the statement. I was taken back because May normally didn't think the guys I thought were attractive were. I peaked over at Johnnie who was quietly talking to Pookie which made me smile. "You sooooooo li....." May was practically screaming.

        I clamped my hand over her mouth, "Hush your face!"

        " him," May continued as she removed my hand away from her lips but thankfully she was quiet. She looked over her shoulder at Johnnie and I joined her. He looked like he was listening intently to what Pookie was saying. Once Pookie's mouth shut he looked over at me. Pookie was smiling an evil grin and Johnnie looked at me like he was hurt.

        The bell rang and when the teacher was speaking all I could do was wonder what was wrong. After Mrs. Glenn passed out the homework I went to get up. Only Mike was in my way. I looked up at him. He had surfer hair that was a deep blonde and piercing blue eyes. He had the possibility of being attractive if he wasn't such a douche. "What do you want, Mike?"

         "Garrett likes you!"

         "Mhm... that's nice. Now, are you going to tell me Aaron and Joey do too."

          Mike scowled, "I...I..."

          I replied now annoyed, "Dude I maybe originally blonde but I'm not retarded I deal with you every freaking day." Mike began to walk away. I sighed in relief.

          "Hey Redhead," Louie tapped my shoulder.

          "Leave me alone." I looked at the Brazilian behind me. He had black superman looking hair and brown eyes. Louie was wearing a purple polo. I went to walk forward but face-planted giving the floor a nice big hug. Everyone burst out into laughter including me. "Wow, I just felt like hugging the floor."

          That's the only good reason to be in a small school I know people are mean as fuck but every once and a while the lines were blurred enough to have fun. I decided to stand up and dust off my black skinny jeans that were safely tucked onto my grey and black plaid knock-off converse. I made my way over to Johnnie with a jingle in each one of my shoes. They were a size and a half too big for my pathetic 7 feet. The jingle came from to the penny in each shoe that was supposed to be good luck.

         I put my stuff down in front of Johnnie and he didn't even look up. I waved my hand in his face but it didn't phase him. He just kept doing the math. "Hey, Sam." Ally told me.

          I shifted my attention to the brunette who was a little heavier set, not fat but not skinny either. Ally had blue-green eyes and was wearing a Hurons sweatshirt for school pride. "Hey Cat!"

           "I still don't understand why you call her Cat," Pookie piped up. I looked over to his eyes that looked like melted chocolate. 

            "You know like an Ally Cat?"

             "That's retarded.." Pookie shook his head in disbelief.

             "Sorry that me being creative doesn't please you, Joey..." I frowned.

            Johnnie whispered, "I thought we promised never to be creative again." I felt like jumping over the table and just hugging him forever. Which is ironic because he just quoted 'don't hug me I'm scared'.

          I burst out laughing, "Green isn't a creative color!" Johnnie chuckled along and the four of us finished our math.

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