chapter 8

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       I heard muttering around me and I slowly opened up my eyes. I was welcomed by a scorching feeling in my eyes so I closed them abruptly. My head hurt way worse than normal and there was an annoying pinging in my ear. I took a deep breath and slowly parted my eyelids to view the outside world. It still burned my eyes but I managed to keep them open.

       I looked around to see I was surrounded by and circle of people. I began to stand up but someone pushed me back down to the ground. I whipped my head around and started to bitch them out, "What the hell is your problem all I want to do is stand up! I have a right to stand up! I feel and now I'm getting up and there is nothing you can do about it! I am going to...." Everyone was laughing! How dare they laugh I'm going to beat the crap out of them.

        "Sam, calm down," A voice said. I knew that voice and I was losing my sight again. My head felt woozy but I kept it together. I shook my head to clear my vision. I looked over at Johnnie who was worried out of his mind.

     I felt the heat build up in my cheeks and water fill up my eyes. I stood up and booked it from where I was before. I ignored the throb in my head and without thinking I ran out the door of the school. I felt the tears run down my face as I followed my feet. I was out of breath when I showed up at a close friend's house. I knocked on the door and heard the barking of three dogs that I loved.

       When I heard the reality was back to normal and I knew what I was doing right now was actually happening. The door opened to the house I had been hiding out in on Sunday when my stepmom had practically kicked me out of the house. Jay stood there with a monster in his hand, "Sam?"

       I didn't say anything I just hugged him. Jay has short hair that he dyed black and brown eyes. He wore his black skinny jeans, a red and black plaid shirt with his combat boots. I felt something cold pour down my back but I just didn't care. I finally released Jay from the hug and realized that his monster had drenched my back.

        Jay looked at me with concern in his eyes,  "What happened? Did your dad do something? What about your stepmom? Do you need a place to stay?" He was babbling but it was kind of nice.

       I smiled, "No no I'm sorry... it's just my favorite YouTuber just moved to my school. I just wanted to see you because I think I made it up in my head."

     Relief washed over Jay's face, "Don't you ever do that to me again. Well, you should probably head back to school so you're not super late."

     "Okay," I sighed. He hugged me and I headed back up to the school at a fast pace.

    "Bye Sam! " Jay yelled and I heard the door shut.

      A car pulled over and I looked to see Chad and his girlfriend Jill. Chad had been a close friend of my up until eighth grade when he stopped talking to me. He had blonde hair and light blue eyes not to mention Chad is about 6'3. Jill had been more of a friend to me than Chad lately so it was probably her idea to pull over. Jill had her brown hair pulled up into a bun and her hazel eyes were surrounded by black eyeliner that winged at the corners. The window rolled down, "Jump in."

     I pulled open the back door, "Tank chew berry munch guys I would've been late for sure."

      "No problem girl," Jill replied. We drove back up to the school in silence. Jill kept her eyes on the road and Chad was scrolling through his phone. Oh shit! My phone I left it in the hall. Which meant Johnnie probably had it....

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