Chapter 12

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What?! Here? An empty space beside a pavilion and a reservoir-slash-river-or-whatever? U've got to be kidding, Hana thought.

"Are there going to be mosquitos?" Dani asked.

"Definitely, and hopefully you all did bring some insect repellent." Andrew replied.

Hana sighed. She's going to be sleeping on hard ground for the next two nights. Great. Hana wondered if she would even be able to fall asleep tonight. Andrew's voice broke into her thoughts. "Ok , everyone spilt into groups of 6 and grab a tent each. There'll be instructions on how to to assemble it. If you need any help, you can just ask us for help too.Go now."

As everyone spilt into groups, Hana was busy trying to find a group to go with. She didn't belong in any cliques so she had a hard time finding a group. Most of her classmates had already formed one. Hana was wandering around, trying to find others who were forming a group. Hana ended up joining Bernice's group. Well, at least she wouldn't feel awkward here because most of them were her former classmates.

Hana watched as Teng and Keane started to take out the stuff from the bag containing the materials to set up the tent. Everyone was busy grabbing a pole or figuring out how to build the tent. Hana didn't know what to do. She stood there like an outcast. At the corner of her eye, Hana saw Andrew was about to walk over to their group. Hana quickly grabbed a pole and followed what Bernice and Keane were doing. 

After setting up the tent, all of them gathered together to designate their sleeping arrangements. The girls followed Lyn to the row of tents right in front of the reservoir. She turned to them and said, "Ok, now we'll allocate the tents. So, how many girls does your class have?"

"Eighteen," Steph replied. 

Lyn thought for a while and said, "Ok, six to a tent. So, spilt yourselves up and take these three tents."

Six to a tent?! But the tent looks pretty small, Hana thought. Is it there even enough space for everyone? 

As Hana thought about it, everyone had already separated into their cliques already. Hana looked around. She didn't know whose group should she join. 

Just then, Bernice came over and asked, " Hey, Hana, we're short of one person. You want to join us?"

Hana replied, "Ok."

Phew. Luckily Bernice asked her otherwise she wouldn't know what to do.


After lunch, Hana and her classmates followed Andrew, Josh, Lyn and Natalia for a short tour around the area of the zoo which they were staying during the camp. And then, it was time for more ice-breaking games. Ewwww, Hana thought. When are they going to stop these games? Hana had enough of those games already. It was just so dumb. It's not like the whole class still didn't know each other after close to five months of being in the same class. Seriously.

Once again, they moved to another location, and this time to a man-made pond with a raft at one end with a rope tied to both ends of the pond for people to pull the themselves over in the raft. Beside the pond was a small playground and a maze on the other side of the playground. Andrew brought them to a stop on one side of the pond and said, "Ok, now we'll be playing a game about teamwork. All you have to do is to get everyone over to the other side in 8 minutes and complete a puzzle."

Hana rolled her eyes. Teamwork? Who was he joking? There was no teamwork at all in this class, at least that's what she thought. It's just everyone in their own clique and Hana in her own world. 

Hana stood at the back of the group as the more talkative ones and the class committee were trying to strategize. She felt so out of place. She felt like she didn't belong here and shouldn't be here at all.

"Hana, what are you doing? Aren't you joining in the discussion? You're so quiet in class and you're even more quiet here," Mr Yee said from behind her.

Hana turned around, startled. She said shyly, "Oh, I...I don't have anything to say yet."

She quickly turned back before Mr Yee could say anymore. She wished he hadn't noticed her standing awkwardly around her class. Hana hoped he hadn't noticed that she was a loner in class.

Hana turned her attention back to the game. It was going to start soon. A group of her classmates had already gathered in front of the raft, ready to start. They were obviously going to go first. Hana stood at the back, not really knowing what to do because she hadn't been paying much attention to the discussion just now. 

Andrew stood beside the raft while Lyn and Josh went over to the other side of the pond. He looks pretty cute, Hana thought to herself. No, she couldn't have a crush on him, she already had one on Zach. No, no, no. She does not have a crush on him. It's just that he looks good only. He just looks good, ok? That had to be the end of it, Hana thought.

Andrew turned and said, "Ready...Set...Go!"


Hey! It's me again! It's been almost one month since I published this book! And 200 reads! I'm so happy! :) A big thank you to everyone for reading my book! ❤️❤️❤️ Oh, another awesome thing to mention: my book's the book of the week for one of the book clubs I'm in! Yay!

Ok, here's the sad news, if u consider this sad though. I'm going to switch to updating once a week because I'll be getting busy soon but no worries though I might post 2 chapters at once sometimes :) So the next update will be on 14 June! :) See u guys then! Remember to vote and comment ;)

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