Chapter 18

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It was finally the last day of the camp. Hana had a really good night sleep last night, save for the little disruption by Sasha. She was glad that the camp was finally over. She couldn't wait to be home. Now, she was walking towards the entrance of the zoo once again as she had done a few days earlier. Everyone was chatting happily together. It did seem that they were all a little bit closer than they were before. But Hana still felt out of place even though she had managed to somewhat befriend Sasha and Carrie. Sasha and Carrie were talking to each other right now while Hana, on the other hand, didn't have anyone to talk to. Okay, maybe she didn't want to talk because her bag was so heavy. It had become even heavier than before. She was struggling to carry it. Hana hoped that they'll reach the bus soon. She really needed to put down the bag. Her shoulders were aching so much.


Hana was back at school. Everyone was now heading home, going their separate ways. Hana walked towards the school gate, hoping to see her father. He had promised to come to fetch her home after the camp ended. And there would be someone to help her carry this super heavy bag. 

But there was no one there. Hana couldn't believe it. Had she heard wrongly? Or did he forgot about it? Maybe he had something on? Hana took out her phone to check if he had left any messages for her. And he did.

Can't fetch u home today, gotta fetch ur bro to sch for his sch trip - Dad

What?! He went to fetch her brother instead of her?! What's the big deal about that dude that everyone had to prioritize him first? Seriously! Now she had to go home while carrying this super heavy bag. This is so unfair! She thought as she dragged herself and her heavy bag to the bus stop. 


Back at home. Hana dumped her bags down on the floor as soon as she got home and went to shower. She didn't even reply to her mum, who asked her how the camp was. Like they even bother with her. All they cared about was her brother. Hana evidently shouldn't even be here at all. She didn't belong in this family. 

After showering, Hana dried her hair and immediately went to take a nap, ignoring her parents' attempt to talk to her. Did they even know that they were biased against her? But anyways, the feeling of lying back down in her own bed was bliss. She missed her bed. Hana was so tired that she fell asleep almost instantly as she lied down. 


A few days later, Hana was once again back at school. She had somehow managed to make friends with Carrie and Sasha. Hana didn't know when but when she came back from the camp, she just started tagging along with Carrie and Sasha for recess time and lunch time and they just become friends like this,  It felt good to have friends. At least she didn't have to be alone all the time anymore. Furthermore, Sasha was her desk-mate. Hana was sure they'll become closer. And maybe then, she'll be able ignore the annoying acts of Sasha soon enough. For now, Hana was just happy to have some friends. 


Sorry that this is such a short chapter, I just felt like the chapter had to end here. Once again, sorry for the short chapter. Hope u guys liked it. 

And some announcements to be made! Yippee! This book has reached 500 reads and 100 votes and with almost 100 reads on chapter 1. It's a really big achievement for me and I'm so happy about it! >< >< A big thank you to all my readers who have kept waiting and reading my book all the way til this chapter. I hope we'll reach 1000 reads soon. Thank you everyone! 

Next update will be on 12 July! See you then! Remember to vote and comment! :)

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