Chapter 5: Liz's Truth

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"You need to come with me." Liz then pulled Evelyn aside into an unused storage room. "Tell me about Sara," she demanded. Evelyn insecurely began to do into detail about the girl she had met at the fountain.

"Well, she had pale skin. Her hair was black, but she had some pink highlights, and she wore gray," answered Evelyn shakily. "But I don't remember anything else." At this point, Liz's eyes widened in terror.

As Evelyn continued to talk about Sara, Liz became more and more worried. Suddenly, she pulled a photo out of her wallet and showed it to Evelyn. "Did she look like this?"

After seeing the photo, Evelyn responded, "Yeah, I think that's her." At this, Liz was completely distraught. "Th-that's impossible! How is that true? How did you see Sara?" She was tearing up now. "She- she died in an accident a year ago!" After hearing this, Evelyn went into full-on denial, saying that it couldn't be true.

Suddenly, Everything around Evelyn went black and Sara appeared to her. "It's all true, Evelyn..."

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