Chapter 7: Tabletop, Part 2

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"Why can't I leave the library?" the boy was wondering aloud. Evelyn overheard this and asked, "Are you okay? What's wrong?" The boy seemed startled by her, but began talking. "I've been stuck in here all day, and whenever I try to leave, I just find myself back in here. But it's nice to see that somebody wanted to talk to me."

At this, Evelyn spoke simply with a cool head. "I'm Evelyn. It's nice to meet you. What's your name?" Upon hearing this, the boy was overwhelmed with memory. "My name is Maxwell, but everyone calls me Tabletop!" he said, "and you look familiar. Aren't you the one who was able to meet my girlfriend Sara?" Evelyn was absolutely shocked when she heard him say this. "How do you know about that?" she asked. "I don't know how, but she's told me so much about you. Evelyn, was it? It's you. You're the one. You have The Gift."

"What's that?" asked Evelyn, confused.

"Every so often, a person comes along with the ability to see spirits of those who are passed. The first time it happened was fabled to be a kindred spirit, cast out by all around him. Before you came along, someone else could see us, but it didn't end well for them." Evelyn was shocked, as Tabletop kept talking. "I'll explain everything to you at a later date, but for now, Sara's waiting for you in the old basement. Meet us there after school. And come alone." With that, Tabletop vanished.

Just as that happened, the next bell rang. So Evelyn headed to class, eagerly awaiting her meeting with the spirits.  

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