Chapter 4: Movie Night 2- The Spoiling Dead

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Rated S For Spoilers (If you haven't watched the Walking Dead... You won't get the parts that they're talking about)

Disclaimer: Yeah I don't even have the energy to be sarcastic today. I mean seriously the name of this site literally has the word "fanfiction in it. So if anyone still thinks this belongs to me... then they're an idiot. So this is my last disclaimer. Enjoy another movie night.

Finding a movie that Chester hadn't already seen and couldn't possibly spoil had been no easy task. Everyone was going to just give up or possibly exclude Chester from future movie nights held at Trixie's penthouse dorm. But a little pleading on his girlfriend's part incorporated with puppy dog eyes directed towards Trixie and Tootie had gotten the blonde boy invited to Friday's movie night. A.J unsatisfied with this outcome decided to get a little revenge on Captain Spoiler Alert.


Timmy sighed in contentment. He was done with classes for the week and had gotten his Child Psychology studying out of the way early. Now he could simply relax for the next few days as he was now. His head was laid on the lap of his girlfriend while he gazed up at the streams of sunlight breaking through the leaves of the tree he was under. Tootie was engrossed in her reading, so they both sat quietly. Enjoying the warmth of Southern California, as well as the sounds surrounding them. Timmy could hear the white noise created by the water fountain, and birds chirping. The low sounds of other students enjoying the day outside. He closed his eyes and just listened to the world around him, completely at peace. The light from the Sun was suddenly blocked out and Timmy opened his eyes to see A.J looming over him, his head blocking the rays of sunlight. Timmy closed his eyes again. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a dark and ominous presence?" Timmy asked yawning.

The bald-headed teen crossed his arms and smirked. "Wow, that was almost racist and you weren't even trying. Imagine if you had actually put effort into that remark."

"It was more directed at your head's sun blocking power than your skin color, but whatever." Timmy sat up stretching. "What's up Chromedome?"

"Afternoon Tootie," A.J said ignoring Timmy's nickname.

"Hey A.J!" She responded cheerfully looking away from her manga.

"Would you mind if I borrowed your gopher-faced boyfriend for a little while?"

"Not at all" Tootie giggled. "Just bring him back before it gets dark, and don't let him dig in the neighbor's yard." She joked.

"Of course" He nodded smiling.

Timmy rolled his eyes and stood dusting himself off. "Haha, you two are hilarious" He deadpanned. He leaned down and gave Tootie a quick kiss. "Be back in a bit" he said. He and AJ began walking off when he heard Tootie yell at him,

"Bring me back something sweet~" She said. Timmy glanced back toward her and nodded in affirmation. "Let's head to the cafeteria, I could go for a slice of pizza anyway" .

AJ reached into his messenger bag and pulled out a tablet handing it to Timmy. "I want to show you something," he said. Timmy glanced down at the tablet and raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"You wanted to show me a picture of a cheerleader posing on a bed?" He asked tilting the tablet to the side for further examination. "I mean, she's hot I guess, but I like shorter girls.... Wait a minute... is tha-"

AJ snatched the tablet away from him. "Shit, no not that," he said quickly.

Timmy's eyes widened in realization. "Was that Trixie!?"

A.J began walking at a much faster pace. "Of course not!" He said frantically. "Why would I have nude pictures of my girlfriend on my tablet?"

This caused Timmy to stop in his tracks. "Wait, nude!?" He ran to catch up with the bald teen. "You have naked pictures of Trixie Tang!?" He yelled/whispered right next to AJ's ear. They finally reached the building that held their cafeteria.

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