Chapter 3: Movie Night 1- I love Lucy

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Rated S for spoilers.

Disclaimer: You caught me... I own Fairly OddParents... yup, that's why I write a disclaimer every chapter.

The phrase the silence was deafening comes to mind for the buck-toothed brunette. Trixie had invited he and all their friends to her penthouse dorm for movies. They lounged around on the two large lavender sofas in the sunken-in living room eating popcorn. He had no idea how the large apartment qualified as a dorm, but that was put out of his list of questions as they began watching the movie.

Timmy stared at the oversized television screen on the wall as the credits began to roll. He looked around at his four friends and girlfriend. They all wore similarly confused expressions on their faces. No one said anything, so the college freshman decided to break the silence. Retracting his arm from around Tootie's shoulders, he stood and walked over to the light switch. Flicking it on he waited for his and everyone else's eyes to adjust to the brightness. Turning on the switch had also caused the automatic shutters to retract from the tall windows, revealing the night sky over Dimmsdale University. "Ok, so first question...." He said reclaiming his seat on the couch. "...did she travel back in time?". Timmy asked no one in particular.

It was Chester who answered, his head was resting in Veronica's lap on the other couch as he stared up at the ceiling. A bowl of popcorn on his stomach. "Dude, I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the whole 'blue baby powder' thing"

"CPH4 " A.J called from the armchair, sipping his Ka-Pow soda. Everyone turned their attention to the bald-headed teen. "It's' what the writer calls the molecule that pregnant women produce during their-"

"Exactly what I said 'baby powder'" Chester interrupted. Veronica and Tootie giggled as Trixie rolled her eyes. "And unless you can explain to me how snorting that could give you superpowers, I don't want to hear it Poindexter" He popped a piece of popcorn in his mouth, and looked up just in time to see Trixie giving him a death glare from A.J's lap. "I-I mean, A.J" he corrected. Timmy smirked at how quickly Chester wimped out when it came to the dark haired cheerleader.

"I agree with Chester" Veronica chimed in. "How does using all of your brain give you telekinesis?" she asked folding her arms across her chest.

"Not a clue," Tootie replied. "I'm still trying to figure out what the happened on that airplane" Tootie laid her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. "Remind me why we decided to watch this movie again?"

Timmy smiled and snagged a piece of popcorn from the bowl in her lap. "Because we've never seen it and Chester is Captain Spoiler Alert" Timmy threw the piece of popcorn at the blonde in question. Every time they watched a movie he was familiar with he tended to ruin it. "Besides, it makes you think"

"About what?"Chester said retaliating with a handful instead of a single piece. "The benefits of drugs?" He joked.

"No, you pothead." Timmy sighed and brushed the popcorn out of his hair. "About the potential of a human being and how we waste said potential on trivial matters." The room was instantly drowned in silence.

"Wow, I didn't get any of that" Trixie said "Anyone else think of that?" The large apartment living room was filled with shaking heads and grunts of disagreement. "See? Just you." She said smiling.

"Jeez, one psych class and you act like you're Sigmund Freud" Tootie joked. Timmy gently elbowed her in the side causing her to giggle. He crossed his arms like a pouting child.

"Yea leaf the smarf stuff to A.J dude" Chester mumbled in agreement with a mouth full of popcorn.

"Well, it's not like we'd leave it to you." Timmy fired back with a roll of his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" The blonde boy sat up and glared at him. The brunette returned his glare with equal intensity.

"I don't know... maybe because you're the only one dumb enough to ask a cop if he had any weed." Trixie's comment caused A.J to chuckle.

"Or because you once got your hand stuck in a trash compactor" AJ added with a smirk. Veronica was attempting hold back her laughter unsuccessfully. Chester leaned back into the cushions almost wishing he could disappear into them. What started out as a simple movie night seemed to turn into some sort of roast.

"Ooh! Ooh! How about the time he accidentally went on a date with that Guy!" Tootie said excitedly. The entire room erupted into laughter at the memory. AJ spit out his soda. Trixie almost fell off of his lap. Timmy doubled over in laughter. The only person not laughing was Chester.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Didn't he kiss you?" Timmy questioned, with tears in his eyes.

"It's not like I kissed him back!" Chester yelled in defense. The blonde's face rivaled the shade of a tomato. The laughter didn't cease, or even decrease. " And besides, how was I supposed to know that he meant it as a date?"

"Dude! He asked for your number, and asked if you wanted to "go out sometime"... How did you not know" Timmy asked incredulously.

"Guys go out all the time! There's nothing wrong with that." The blonde boy refuted.

"Yeah, but to dinner and a movie? Not to mention the fact that he insisted on paying your way" The bald headed teen surmised. "And didn't he give you his jacket on the walk home?"

"I was cold" Chester pouted. He crossed his arms across his chest and laid in his girlfriend's lap in defeat. Veronica brushed his hair away from his face reassuringly.

"We're just teasing, we know it was an accident," She said sweetly.

"You do?"He said looking up at her with blue puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, we do. And besides, no one cares if you're batting for both teams. As long as you don't leave me for another guy." The cheerleader joked. This comment caused the room to burst into another fit of giggles. Chester looked at her with a look of betrayal in his eyes. He removed himself from her lap and moved to the other end of the couch, looking as if he was on the verge of a tantrum.

"Okay, whatever," He said sulking. "Can we just watch another movie now?" He basically begged.

"Yeah, sure." Timmy wiped his eyes and grabbed the remote off the arm of the sofa. He hit a few buttons, and the next movie on the queue began to play. Pressing another button, he plunged the room into darkness, only illuminated by the glow of the television. "Huh, guess there's a button for everything"

"What're we watching?" Tootie asked snuggling up to her boyfriend.

"I forget..." The brunette replied leaning his head on hers. " came out about 6 years ago. Surprisingly no one has seen it, and I heard its' pretty good." All was quiet as the movie opened on the scene of a pregnant couple rushing into the emergency room of the hospital. AJ pulled a lever on the side of the leather armchair, revealing a built-in footrest. Trixie removed herself from his lap and laid beside him, resting her head on his chest. The bald-headed boy planted an affectionate kiss on her hair. Chester assumed his normal position in Veronica's lap.

The peace was maintained except for a few brief comments on the movie made by the group of friends. Currently, the screen displayed the couple walking around an orphanage. Chester sat up and squinted at the screen.

"Is this Orphan?" Chester asked breaking the silence.

"That's the name!" Timmy exclaimed. "Why?" he asked now skeptical of the blonde's line of questioning.

"No reason...." After a brief pause, he spoke again. "...the little girl's really an adult though" He blurted out.

"Dammit Chester!" His girlfriend yelled at him. She shoved him onto the floor where he was thoroughly booed and pelted with popcorn by everyone.

Timmy sighed. "And so, another movie night ruined by Captain Spoiler Alert," He said with a roll of his eyes.

A/N: I think I'm gonna do a few of these. They'll generally be around 1,000 words. Let me know what you think of these. So until next time Read, Review, and Stay Awesome Gotham...

P.S: I feel weird stealing that from Anna Akana. I'll try to develop my own since I plan on writing these for a while

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