Ch. 2 Mysteries to Solve

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I heard the doorbell ring and Scott's voice. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen where Scott and Isaac were. They were eating an oreo blizzard from Dairy Queen.

"Where did you get the ice cream?" I asked Scott and Isaac with a pleaded look.

"I got some on the way here." Scott grinned his adorable grin and turned to look at me away from his ice cream.

"Well thanks for telling me!" I said with my fake little hurt voice. Isaac looked over at me and made his hands go up to his face and made a twisting motion so that it looked like he was wiping away fake tears. I stuck my tongue out like a little kid at him.

"Well I didn't know what kind of ice cream you liked so I just didn't get you anything." Isaac flung his wrist, the one he had the spoon in and icecream flopped onto the kitchen counter. "Haha woops." He laughed and wiped the ice cream up.

"I like double fudge cookie dough. But anyways were getting off the topic." I waved my hand in the air and walked over to the fridge. "Okay, so we know that the body found last night was a girl and that she looked to be about the age of 15, my age. Oh my gosh what if the body was Lucy! What if she was murdered last night!" What if it really was her?! She is my best friend. And Stiles would be broken if his little sister died. Oh dear I'm calling Lucy.

I dialed Lucy's number. "Who are you calling?" Isaac looked at me with this confused expression on his face.

"Lucy, but the phone went straight to voicemail." I was so scared. Why would her phone go straight to voicemail?

"Maybe her phone just died." Scott suggested trying to bring my hopes up.

"I don't know maybe. Well anyways lets talk about what we all know. Okay, so the body was found in the library with a book open laying beside her with a page ripped out of the middle and in place of the page were blue rounded flower petals." I opened up the fridge and got out a Dr.Pepper and popped open the lid.

"Yeah and also there were bruises on the body's neck that were in the shape of a circle with a line through the middle of it and that same like "symbol" was indented in her shins." Isaac was explaining all of this to Scott.

"And there were slash marks in her side but we don't know how deep they were." I said remembering everything that came on the radio this morning.

"It could have been a werewolf that slashed her side but also it could have been like a knife." Scott looked at Isaac while he was talking and he looked like he was actually getting sick from us talking about this. His face was starting to turn a pale color.

"Scott, you ok?" I asked staring at him thinking he was about to throw up.

"Uh, yah I'm fine." Scott said unevenly. He looked like he were about to fall over.

I was drinking the rest of my Dr.Pepper and walked over to the trash can and threw it away. I sat down beside Isaac on one of the bar stools and yet Scott was still standing. All of a sudden Scott ran down the hallway into the bathroom and shut the door.

"I'm pretty sure that he isn't ok." I said to Isaac.

10 minutes later I heard a toilet flush and the bathroom door open up. Scott came out and walked back into the kitchen. He was covered in black blood.

"Dude whats the matter?" I said kind of laughing. "Could you not handle the dead body stuff?"

"No somehow it made me feel like there were pains in my stomach, like something were eating my insides." Scott said as he was wobbling around the kitchen counter and sat down on a stool. "I don't know how I felt that, its never happened before and when I went in the bathroom there was black blood all over my shirt.

I looked down at Scott's shirt and sure enough, it was covered in black blood. He was wearing a white t-shirt so it made it obvious to see.

"What the heck. I've only seen someone bleed black blood and that was Jackson. But you? How is that possible?" Isaac was wrinkling his forehead so confused like.

"I don't know. But my side and stomach feel like they are being stabbed with a knife." Scott said painfully.

I got up from my chair and went up to my room and grabbed one of my dad's old t-shirts he used to wear around the house until he died when I was 4 in a car accident. I walked back downstairs and threw the shirt to Scott. "Here change into this. It was one of my dad's old t-shirts. Throw the one you have on now in the laundry."

Scott took off his old bloody t-shirt and threw it in the laundry. Oh my gosh...his abs are perfect. He never had anything on under his white t-shirt so he was shirtless for a while. Then he put on the red t-shirt I gave to him. It was a little big on him but he looked good in it. I think he noticed that I was staring at him the whole time he was changing his shirt. But who cares, he's single and a werewolf and hot. And hey, if you got the chance to look at a guy take off his shirt and see his perfect abs, you would definitely be staring too.

Scott's POV:

Katherine threw me a red t-shirt I could change into and so I threw my bloody one into the laundry room. The whole time I was changing my shirt, Katherine was staring at me with this weird look on her face. It was as if she were staring at this huge delicious cake or something.

I walked over to the kitchen counter and ran my hand through my hair.

"Ok so we are thinking maybe Lucy is the body that was found last night which hopefully is wrong. Because Lucy is Stile's sister and she is Katherine's best friend. And also we need to find out why i was bleeding black blood from my stomach." I said concluding everything that has happened.

"Yah and were gonna need more clues to figure this out about the body and everything. We will have to ask the police questions on what the dead girl looked like so we can know for sure that it wasn't Lucy." Katherine looked kinda scared and worried. I felt sorry for her because if I found out that my best friend was probably killed in a school last night, I would be so sad. Katherine is my little sister and I have to help her out through all her tough times. She knows all our secrets about being werewolves so she doesn't really get sad when someone gets killed. It happens a lot.

"Yah. Well I better get on home because we have school tomorrow. At least it will be Tuesday so pretty much this school week is a 4 day school week." I said walking to the living room.

"See yah tomorrow. Remember try to get clues on the body and you bleeding black blood." Isaac said to me.

I walked to the front door and got into my car.

Katherine's POV:

Scott walked out the door to leave and I just couldn't stand it. I have to say bye to him. I walked outside and went up to the passengers side of his car and got in.

"See you tomorrow." I said happily with this big grin.

"Katherine, I have always liked you more than a friend. I have never told you because your one of my friends' sister. But I always have looked at you a different way then other girls. Katherine, your different and I like that most about you. But most are all, your beautiful." Scott raised his eyebrows and smiled. Then he did what I have always dreamed of. He leaned in towards me and kissed me on the lips.


Oh my gosh so what do you think is wrong with Scott?

And do you really think Lucy was the dead body that was found or do you think it really was just a coincidence that her phone went straight to voicemail?

What do you think about Katherine and Scott?

There are so many questions to solve

I hoped you liked this chapter, its a little longer than the first

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Love you all <3

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