Ch. 4 Love Is In the Air

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The bell rang to go to 2nd hour. Hope, Lucy and I walked out of the classroom and we parted our separate ways to go to our next class.

* * *

I walked out of my 4th hour classroom with Hope, I already had 2 classes with her. We headed to my locker and when we got there, Lucy and Allison were already standing by their lockers putting their stuff away.

"Hey guys, this is Hope, she is new here." I said to Allison and Lucy nodding my head at Hope.

"Hi, I'm Allison." She gave a little wave and smiled.

"I'm Lucy." She said smiling and shut her locker. "You can definitely hang out with us. A friend of Katherine's is a friend of ours. And also your really pretty and you seem really cool."

Hope laughed. "Well thanks I guess" She said.

I opened my locker and grabbed my lunch. "Alright lets go to lunch I am starving!" I said exaggerating the word starving.

We all walked to cafeteria and immediately I saw Scott, Isaac, and Stiles. Isaac waved his hand over to Allison and got up from the table. He held his arms out wide and Allison ran into his arms. Isaac and Allison have been dating for 8 months already. It is so weird having my brother be dating one of my best friends. She comes over a lot which is good because I can hangout with her and she can hangout with Isaac at the same time, that is until they start to get all lovey dovey.

We all walked over to Scott, Isaac, and Stiles and sat down. I introduced them all to Hope. Stiles just kept staring at her.

"I think somebody has a little crush." I said all sing songy to Stiles. His face got bright red and he laughed.

"She is really pretty." Stiles said to me just staring at Hope.

I laughed and I opened my lunchbox and started eating some chips.

"Alright, so we need to talk about what happened to Lydia." Scott said to all of us at the table.

"Yah. And who we think killed her that night." Lucy said and she took a drink of her Mr. Pibb.

I looked over at Allison to see how she was handling this. Surprisingly she wasn't crying or anything. She was just eating her muffin and talking to Isaac.

"Who's Lydia? And what are you guys talking about?" hope asked.

We all told her what had happened to Lydia that night.

"That is...that is just awful. So terrible." Hope said. She sounded as though she had already known about Lydia. There was a really weird look in Hope's eye. It looked as though she were remembering something. She had a weird look on her face..but then, it faded.

"Okay so we need to talk to Derek about this. he might be able to help us possibly if he knows anything about this." Isaac said. He picked up an apple and took a bite out of it.

"Yeah. We could drive to your house after school." Scott said while pointing to Isaac motioning that he was talking to him.

"Yeah and then we'll meet Derek at your house also." Stiles said, he kept staring at Hope. He is like a love sick puppy. She finally noticed that he was staring at her and she smiled.

I nudged Hope and she looked at me. "Do you like Stiles?" I asked her.

"Maybe..maybe not." Hope said smiling.

* * *

I walked out of the school with Allison, Lucy, and Hope. The bell had rung for school getting out. We walked to Scott, Isaac, and Stiles car. They were already there and which Scott was leaning against his car. And may I say, he looked hot.

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