this is yours

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''well... seems like the party's over'' a thick voice commented behind me and i immediately recognize him.

slowly i turned and glared at him. i thought i looked menacingly but he winked at me making me roll my eyes.

''are you following me, styles?'' i snorted making him chuckle.

it's frustrating when someone doesn't get affected by my moody self.

''nope'' he said crossing his arms over his chest smirking at me.

then i remember what nia told me about them playing with michael.

''you'' i shouted pointing my index finger at him and he covered his face with his arms like if i was going to punch him.

well... it's not a bad idea but i don't like violence at all.

he eyed me between his arms and i walked close to him.

''what do you have to say about playing with michael using me huh?'' i put my hands on my waist waiting expectantly.

''oh, that'' he sighed in relief wiping a fake sweat on his forehead.

who knows how many things he hide to be relieved like that? big question.

''yeah, that, what was that all about?'' i demanded.

''isn't obvious to you already?'' damn it i hate this.

''look i'm fucking done with rhetorical questions, forget it'' i growled frustrated throwing my hands in front of me like giving up and walking back to the pub to say goodbye to my ex new friends because this was the end for me.

i walked past him but he stoped me putting his long arm in front of me making me crash against it.

i pinched the top of my nose with my thumb and indexx finger to hold my mouth...and my hands to slap him.

''what... are... you doing'' i muttered with gritted teeth.

''hey... hold on, let me explain, please'' he said not taking his arm away.

''too late, i've had enough, and with enough i mean that no fucking one had the balls to tell me anything'' i yelled pushing his arm away and trying to move but he grabs my hand instead.

''harry'' i whined.

but a few of laugh voices interrupted my complaints.

''hey guys, the party's over here'' michael snorted sarcastically looking at us.

all of them stared at us up and down but mostly down and i wondered why following their gaze to where they were looking at.

i let go of harry's hand abruptly and he let go reluctantly.

''hey, harry, so good to see you'' luke greeted happily ''what are you doing here, man?'' he asked smiling.

''yeah, what are you doing here harry?'' michael mocked in a girly tone almost whispering.

''well, nia called but i just saw her leaving and annie was here'' he explained calmly placing his big hand over my head messing my hair but michael rolled her eyes in disbelief looking away from us.

''oh damn, we just came to see why the girls were taking so long'' ashton pouted with his head down.

''are we interrupting something?'' calum laughed and smirked vt the same time which made michael jerks his head at our direction again.

''are we?'' michael repeated menacingly.

''michael'' ashton muttered.

''what?'' he chuckled inocently.

''it's late and we have a flight tomorrow so... i think it's time to go'' ashton shook his head to michael and then looked at me... us.

i don't know what got me but that news made me gasp and flinch at the same time.

''guys'' i almost moaned. i was waiting for this but it was still shocking to accept.

i was going back to be just a fan, someone else in their lifes, one more face in the crowd.

i ran and hugged calum first which surprised him bug he returned the hug seconds later.

they all...not michael... said 'awww' at the same time and we did a group hug. even harry did it but michael stood there grumpy and unfazed.

we let go and tears came out all of a sudden.

''we will miss you'' luke said shaking my shoulder making me giggle and whimper.

calum and ashton nodded in ageement.

''i will take care of her'' harry commented smirking... but when i glared at him he was smirking at michael and not me.

michael clenched his jaw and glared at him but didn't said anything.

''shut up harry, stay away from me'' i murmured and he laughed thinking that it was a joke.

''hopefully we will see you soon'' ashton said cheerfully.

''yeah, hope so'' i whispered.

''well, see you soon then?'' luke asked and i nodded trying to smile.

michael throwed a key to ashton and he caught it gracefully.

ashton walked a few cars and turned to the driver seat, luke followed him to the passenger seat and calum got in the back seat.

''uh, this is yours'' michael suddenly spoke to me after all making me look at him with wide eyes.

i glanced at his hands and there was the duplicated key of my house that i gave him before so he wouldn't knock or stay outside if i wasn't at home.

which i completely forgot the day he was digging into my fridge in the middle of the night after being out all day.

i took the key from his hands and our skin touched making me shiver, he flinched at my touch and put his hand on his pocket.

i didn't speak, i just looked at him, confused, frustrated, dissapointed, angry, everything.

''good night, michael'' i whispered when he turned to go but stopped when he heard me.

''good night, annie'' he whispered too without looking at me and got inside the car.

and they left... he left.

''he's gone'' i whispered to myself.

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