Andrew: Chapter 2: Mysterious Happenings

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On the quick drive to the meeting, Izabelle barely talked. She must've still been mad because I worked her mother up for no reason. I knew not to do that again, even though I was just trying to help.

My mom didn't say much either, but her fingers were constantly tapping on the steering. She seemed to be nervous about something. I didn't know what possibly could be making her so nervous. She wasn't one to be very nervous.

We parked by the subway station that would take us to our meeting. Usually, we would stop by the entrance and Izabelle and I would get out. Something was seriously wrong.

“Are you alright? You seem tense,” I asked my mom.

“Yes. I am fine. Do not worry,” she responded as the car lurched to a stop. My mother was Indian, and she had a thick accent. When she adopted me, she'd only been in America for a year or so. Sometimes, she switched to her original language, but I couldn't understand her.

“You sure?” I asked again.

She nodded, but her lips were pressed together tightly. She looked like she was about to throw up.

“Get out of the car, Andrew,” she demanded. She opened her door and got out.

I opened my door cautiously. Izabelle got out so quickly, she almost face-planted onto the asphalt.

“Why did Mom get out? She isn't allowed into Aragle City,” I wondered.

We walked to the entrance of the subway station and rode down the escalators. Izabelle found the keypad to type in the 4-digit number to let us in. She typed it quickly. The wall split apart to open up a dimly-lit hallway of glittering, polished walls. Torches on the wall lit the way.

“State your name and rank,” the speaker on the wall echoed.

Both Izabelle and I told the machine what it needed, and the steel vault door creaked open.

My mother hadn't said a word, but her eyes were wide and her mouth gaped open. She had been in here once before, but Rona had let her in. I didn't see the big deal.

We walked through the door. It had been fixed. Once, Izabelle hacked into the door's system and it opened, but it was broken. It wouldn't close after that.

When we were inside, I heard my mother yell. I looked back to see a wall of violet light, trapping her in the tunnel.

I jogged back to her, Izabelle right behind me. I shook my head.

“You can't come through. Rona has to let visitors in,” I told her through the wall of magic.

“Get this 'Rona,' then! I've come through before, now get me in there!” she cried.

I nodded and through the doors of the conference building. That's were Rona would be. Izabelle followed me, but she seemed unsure.

We went through the doors of the conference building and Rona was sitting on the edge of the central fountain. She was looking at some papers and frowning. She shook her head and mumbled. Izabelle continued to to walk toward her.

“Hey, Rona,” she said casually.

Rona looked up from her papers. “Oh, hi, guys.”

“Um, Rona, my mom is locked out. Did you ask her to come to the meeting?” I asked.

Rona stopped looking at those papers. “What? Why is she here? She doesn't need to come today. There isn't any paperwork due.”

“Well, she wants to be let in. Should I tell her not to come in?”

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