Andrew: Chapter 3: Things Get Weirder

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Is Rona okay?” I asked Izabelle.

She shrugged. “I don't know. She's probably just stressed about the meeting or something.”

“No, I think it's about my mom. Rona looked mad about something. I don't think she likes my mom,” I suspect.

“Andrew, why wouldn't Rona like your mom?” Izabelle asked.

“She asked me if she was my mom. I think that something's wrong.”

I stood up to follow Rona down the hall. Izabelle didn't get up from the table. I grabbed her hand and tried to haul her up. But she didn't move.

“Andrew, you don't need to take me everywhere you go. I can do things on my own sometimes.”

My heart sank. Why didn't she want to come with me? She always came with me. “I know, but I like it when you come with me.”

“I think that we've taken this a little too far. I thought we were only friends. I've held your hand and hugged you more times than I can count. I kissed you on the cheek three times, and you kissed mine once, too. Why do I feel like this isn't right? It's great that we work well together, but this is a little different. I know you like me, but I'm not feeling the same way.”

It dipped a little further. I didn't think she would say something like that. Izabelle never seemed to mind me. “What do you mean? I thought we were only friends.”

“It doesn't look like it. I'm sorry, Andrew. In a sense, I'm 'breaking up' with you, but it won't matter. You're still my friend.”

Okay, so it wasn't as bad as I thought. I thought she was really mad at me.

“I'm sorry, Belle. I guess I got a little attached. I shouldn't have kissed you.”

“No, that isn't what I meant. I just think we shouldn't get as comfortable with each other, I guess. I don't want it to get awkward between us. You know what I mean, right?”

I nodded. She smiled, “I'm glad you understand. So, no more hugs or kisses, right?”

I don't know why I hesitated before I nodded again. I knew that I shouldn't have felt so hopeful. Why had I let myself think she had really liked me?

“I promise I'll try. I can't be one hundred percent sure I won't.”

She laughed. It was a lighthearted laugh, so I knew she was taking this well.

“Alright, but at least warn me sometimes. I don't want to get mad at you. My heart takes over my brain sometimes,” she informed me.

I had no idea what she said, but I said, “Okay.”

* * *

“Rona, are you okay? I'm sure Mrs. Aly didn't mean to anger you,” Izabelle asked.

“No. I'm not okay. That wasn't Kyhlia. You don't understand how dangerous it would've been if I believed that imposter. The entire city would've been turned to debris. That person out there is more powerful than you,” Rona said from the table in the conference room for Zerotia.

“Who was it? Why were they dressed like my mom?” I asked Rona. Maybe someone did want to pretend to be my mom.

Rona glared at me as if I'd asked to end the world. She gulped. “Ishou. He was trying to spy on Izabelle. He wanted to see if you were doing better at your powers. If he saw your powers in action, he would end you immediately. You weren't supposed to be a sorceress. Especially not an emerald sorceress.”

“Okay, nobody has actually answered why an emerald sorceress is such a bad thing. I don't think I'll turn evil and plan to destroy the world,” Izabelle pointed out.

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