Andrew: Chapter 6: The Magic Inside Her

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Why did you pull us out of school?” I asked. I wasn't complaining, I just didn't understand why this couldn't have waited until after school.

“Because, we need to talk. You aren't going to have any time to train today. This time, your quest is too important to wait,” she responded.

“Yeah, and I need to save my mom. But, why can't Izabelle come with me?” I asked.

“Actually, I've discarded that rule. After seeing the great success you brought after last summer, I decided to let the rule slide. Only because Sam and Serenity are coming as well.”

“Wait, you never said anything about those two!” Izabelle exclaimed.

“I didn't tell you, because if I told you, I knew you wouldn't come. They need to have some practice, and I think this is the best way,” Rona told her.

“Why can't you train them?” I asked. That's how I learned. Why would be different for the twins?

“Because, their mom is evil, and they need to stop her. Your mom is being held in her castle. That's why all four of you need to go,” Rona explained to us.

Well, that made sense.

Izabelle added, “Where are we going? And where are Serenity and Sam?”

“I'm dropping you off in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where Sam and Serenity are waiting for you. I've stocked each of your bags with the things you will need for the quest. Like last time, you will not be allowed into Aragle without completing your quest. If you succeed, you will go up one more rank, putting you one quest away from the Meldia level. Remember to help Sam with his part-wolf problem. He needs some support on that,” Rona informed us.

“How can we help him with that? He's part-wolf, but we aren't,” I pointed out.

Izabelle answered for me, “You just tell him that it isn't weird to be part-wolf so he doesn't feel insecure. It'll help him fit in with us and not be so distant.”

“Oh, okay,” I agreed.

“And the twins are both sorcerers. Last night, after the meeting, I gave them their power tests. Serenity is an amethyst sorceress, and Sam is and amber sorcerer. You'll have to teach them how to use their powers,” Rona told Izabelle.

“What does that mean? What can their powers do?” Izabelle asked.

“Oh, the amethyst power is turning into different animals or items, and the amber power is controlling the ground. I know you haven't gotten that far in your training, but maybe you can help them control the powers. They each have something to control their powers. As long as they keep it on, you should be fine. You should have no problems on this quest.”

“Are you sure? With two untrained sorcerers on our quest, something wrong is bound to happen. Even with just me on the quest last time, Andrew ended up with less hair on his head. Don't you think they should at least train for a day before they go on a quest?” Izabelle protested.

I didn't want the twins on our quest. Sam didn't look very happy with me yesterday. I still didn't understand why.

“I'm sure. You can handle it, both of you,” Rona insisted.

Izabelle looked at her lap. Both of us were sitting in the back seat of Rona's car. This time, she wasn't mad at me for anything.

“I don't want to go. I really think it's a bad idea,” she added.

Why was she so set on not going? “But I need you to come. How can I teach sorcery to people if I can't even begin to use it? You are the only one who can help them.” I thought it was best to keep the subject on that and not my desire to have her with me.

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