Andrew: Chapter 5: Things Go from Bad to Worse

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Sorry about the long wait.  I was really excited about writing my other book, and I forgot about this one.  Anyway, hope you enjoy! :)

After last night, I was glad to go to school. Even though I hated going to class, Izabelle was beginning to drive me crazy. She used to enjoy seeing me after meetings. She was being difficult. I thought it would be fun, but she just wanted to go home.

Maybe she doesn't like me anymore. She might not want to see me at all.

My mom took me to school. She didn't want to hear about my friend issues. I wondered if this was Ishou again, trying to steal information from me. I didn't talk to my mom on the way to school.

In homeroom, Izabelle sat on the opposite side of the room. She must've been avoiding me. She used to sit next to me and Aqua during homeroom. Aqua still sat next to me, but Izabelle was sitting next to a girl named Kit. They were talking and laughing.

“Hey, Andrew. Why is Izabelle talking to Kit?” Aqua asked me.

I sighed. “She's avoiding me for some reason. Yesterday after the meeting she looked distracted and didn't want to hang out with me. Do you know why?” I asked. If anyone could tell me why Izabelle was acting like this, it was Aquamarine Hendes. She'd been friends with Izabelle as long as I've known them.

She shrugged. “Maybe something's bothering her. You should probably ask her. She might tell you if you use the right words. When she gets upset with someone, it takes forever to get her to apologize.”

“But the last time I tried that, she started crying. I don't want to make her more upset,” I told Aqua.

She thought for a second. “I don't know. Just try it. You'll do fine.” She smiled.

Before she had gotten captured last summer, Aqua had been so shy and reserved. Now she could talk to almost anyone. That near-death experience changed her into a better person.

I nodded. “You're right. I can do this.”

As soon as I got up to confront Izabelle, the teacher told us to take our seats. Perfect timing.

Now, I'd have to wait until after announcements to talk to her.

I always tuned announcements out. All the teacher was talking about was when sports events and fundraisers were. If you thought I went to those, you must not know me. Oh, you did think I went to those? Seriously? Well, sorry if I offended you.

All I can tell you is that I almost fell asleep on my backpack listening to Mrs. Johnson lecture us. She said that we should show “school spirit” and “support our fellow peers.” Ha! I don't show “school spirit.” The closest I get to that is wearing the free T-shirt they gave us at the beginning of the year.

When Mrs. Johnson finished, I stood up quicker than anyone else. I realized too late that nobody else stood up and that she was still talking about the girls' soccer team's home game on Friday.

“Andrew! Sit down! You are being very disrespectful by standing up while I am still talking,” Mrs. Johnson called me out.

I slowly sat in my seat again. “Sorry,” I mumbled.

If Kit had done that, she would've laughed and asked her to sit down nicely. But, Mrs. Johnson didn't like me very much. I've never been the teacher's favorite any year of middle school or elementary. Actually, I'm one of the least favorites. I think Mrs. Johnson liked Bruce more than me. And Bruce gives me concussions. I bet Mrs. Johnson liked watching me get pummeled by him.

“Remember to wear all of your Capitol Hill Middle School attire on Friday in honor of. . .” I heard Mrs. Johnson say, but the rest I tuned out.

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