Rain Part 1

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Today it rained so hard and I'm stucked in my class alone.
"Why do I need to clean the class as punishment?! It's all because of Jimin.If not,I'm not gonna be punish! Huh!" You felt so mad at Jimin because he had made you being punished by your class teacher.
You took the broom and swept the dirts on the floor.Then,you cleaned up the whiteboard and went out to throw all the rubbish.
After your worked had done,you waited at the hall.Waiting for the rain to stop but it wouldn't.The air became colder as the time passed by.You felt worried being alone because it almost night.
You decided to sit in the class because you felt safe there.When you arrived at your class,you heard some noise inside your class.
"Am I not alone?" You whispered to yourself.You felt worried but you really want to know what is it.So,you took a deep breath and opened the door.
What you saw really suprising you.There's blood all over your desk and one of your classmates laid on the floor with blood stained his shirt.
"Jungkook,what happened to you?" You asked as you approached him.You lifted his head and put it on your lap.
"Help me,y/n.Someone is trying to kill me." Jungkook said in croaked voice.You realised that he was being stabbed and hurriedly took out your phone to call the ambulance.
But,your phone was running out of battery at that time.
"F*ck!" You hurriedly lifted him and brought him to the hall.You realised that there was no one at school at that time.
"Jungkook,please wait here.I'm gonna find someone to help you.Please don't close your eyes,ok?!" He nodded weakly and you hurriedly ran out from the school.You ran and ran in the rain to find help.
Until there was a man approached you.
"What are you doing in the rain? You may caught fever." He said while holding an umbrella.
"I need your help.My friend had been stabbed.Please take him to the hospital now.Please!" You pleaded to the man and he agreed in shocked.He drove his car to your school as fast as possible.
You ran out from the car and went to the hall.You found Jungkook was still awake but his condition was really weak.The man hurriedly lifted Jungkook bridal style and drove both of you to the hospital.
Jungkook's head was on your lap.You held his hand tightly to make sure that he still awake.
"Please hurry!" You were in panic because Jungkook's breathe was very slow.The man sped up his car and you arrived at the hospital in the nick of time.
The man called the nurse and they brought a stretcher.Jungkook was put on the stretcher and being brought to the operation room.On his way to the operation room,he held your hand tightly like he never gonna let go of your hand.But,both of you were separated as he entered the operation room.
The man came to you and asked Jungkook's condition.You said that he still in the operation room.You asked the man to borrow his phone for awhile to call your mom.
"Omma,I'm not gonna go home tonight.Just don't be worry about me.I'm taking care one of my classmates in the hospital." You said to your mom.
"What happened?" Your mom asked you.You sighed heavily.
"He had been stabbed,mom.He said that someone was trying to kill him." Your mom sounded really shocked.
"Have you made the police report?"
"Not yet,mom.But maybe later." Your mom sighed in relief after hearing your words.
"Okay then.But make sure you're safe,dear." Your mom said.You just laughed a little before bid your mom a goodbye.
"Here,for you." The man gave you a plastic bag.There was a shirt and a shorts.
"Thanks." You smiled at him and he smiled back.
"I'm gonna go home now.Better you change your clothes before you catch a flu." He said and you just nodded.He walked through the walkway and dissappeared in the crowd.
You hurriedly went to the toilet and changed your drenched clothes.As you finished,you hurriedly went to the waiting section,waiting for Jungkook to came out.
Almost an hour you waited,finally the doctor came out.You hurriedly walked to him.
"How his condition,doctor?" You asked in worry.The doctor let out a sigh made you felt really nervous.
"He had lost many blood and know we need the O type one. But we didn't have it for now." You gasped for awhile.
"You can take my blood.My blood is O type." You said.The doctor's face lighten up and hurriedly brought you to a room.

You entered the ward and saw Jungkook was still unconcious.You sat beside him and held your head.You felt a little dizzy and weak after donating your blood for Jungkook.
You laid your head on the bed side and closed you eyes.You want to take a nap for awhile after an exhausting day you had went through today.
But,suddenly you felt someone was rubbing your head gently.You lifted your head and saw Jungkook was awake.
"Your awake?! I'm gonna call the doctor!" You hurriedly stood up but he held your hand.He gestured you and you sat back.
"Why?!" You asked him.
"I don't like being examined by doctor.I hate them." He said while pouting.You found he was so cute and childish at the same time.
"Yahh! You're so childish!" You said while hitting his arm gently.He also laughed.
"Y/n-ah,gomawo." You just smiled and nodded.He looked at you and showed a weird look.
"What?!" You asked.
"Why you don't go home? Your parents?!" He asked.
"I had called my mom and told her that I'm gonna accompany you tonight." He just nodded.
"You were so lucky to have parents like them." He said in slow voice.
"What do you mean? How about your parents?!" You asked but then you saw his eyes were crystal clear.You were shocked and scared.'What had happened to him actually?!'

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