Yeah, So?

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"What do you mean, what did I do?" I ask irritated.

"I mean, what did you do to Jessie to get her so pissed at both of us? You two haven't talked in three months, which is your all time record. So just tell me what you did and we can fix this." Tristan asks me. He barged straight into my room once he had gotten dressed after his shower.

"Oh and why are you so interested in fixing our problem? Does it have to do with the fact that you have been crushing on her since we were seven? Get over it! She doesn't like you that way and she sure doesn't like me as a friend anymore, so get over it!" I say angrily. I turn back around in my chair so I am facing my mirror and continue brushing my long, blonde hair.

"Is that what you did? You told her that I liked her and she wanted nothing more to do with me?" He yells.

"You are such a guy! You always think everything is about you! Get over yourself. Besides do you honestly think that after keeping your little secret for nine years that I'm just going to tell her out of the blue?" I ask him, still facing the mirror.

"Then that means you did something horrible to her. Just tell me and you two can get through this." He looks as if he is begging me with his eyes. He is such a joke. What does he like about her so much anyway? She's nothing more than a stupid know it all bitch.

"Would you get out of my room already? I'm trying to get ready here!" I tell him.

"You're such a bitch." He says before leaving my room, slamming the door as he goes.

"Why, thank you." I say smiling to myself.

Its not my fault she chose to get all high and mighty on me. She had to be put back in her place.

I set my brush down and admire my wavy, blonde hair along with my sky blue eyes.


Mindlessly, I glance at the clock. It tells me that its 7:30am. Its no big deal to me especially since school doesn't start until eightish.

"God hurry up Logan! We're going to be late on the first day, again!" Tristan yells up at me. They would be perfect for each other, they're practically the same.

What are you thinking?

I shake my head to try and clear the thought away, but it messes up my hair.

"Oh well." I say quietly and pick up my brush again.

It's almost eight o' clock by the time we are in the car headed to school. I glance over at my brother and his jaw is set. He is so pissed at me. A small smile appears on my face at my accomplishment. We are twins, but the only thing that's the same about us is that we have the same blonde hair. Other than that we are completely different. Our eye color isn't even the same, mine are blue and his are a dark green.

"I don't even get what your problem is, it's not like you two were even that close." I say quickly. He just grips the steering wheel tighter.

"Oh so you're giving me the cold shoulder now? This should be peaceful." He turns his head, gives me a quick glare, and turns back to the road.

I feel a soft vibration come from my jean pocket. I grab for my phone and look at the text I have just received:

To: Logan

From: Stacy

Where r u? School starts in like 5mins.

I type in my reply and send it.

To: Stacy

From: Logan

God you sound like my brother. We'll be there in 3mins. Chill

First day of Junior year. I can't wait to get back to joking with my friends and getting away with everything. Plus, tormenting Miss Goodie Goodie should be a nice way to pass the time. I can hardly wait.

A/N: Sorry about all the short Chapters they will get longer I promise! Dont Forget! Silent readers are no fun! So make sure to comment!!

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