Chapter 1

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Choi Seunghyun groaned when the light from the unclosed curtains shines brightly on his face. He sits up than rubbed his sore eyes and yawned.
'And I thought I could at least sleep pass my heat cycle....'
Feeling his heaty body, Seunghyun qiuckly ate the pills on the bedside table that her sister gave him since he was a special kind of male omega which were uncommon in Korea.

After BigBang's new album were released, all the members of BigBang were finally given the holiday they deserve from YG.

Now, Choi Seunghyun is currently in his own room in the band's dorm trying to control his heat cycle which is the only thing he hates about being an omega. He also has schedules today to meet up with Yang-San Jang Nim about his condition which the president discovered just recently.

"Hyun?? You okey?? I just saw from my phone that your heat cycle is starting so are you taking those pills that I gave you???"
Suenghyun's sister's worried voice rang through the other side.
"Gwenchana. Just feeling cranky and lazy."
"Its normal for omegas to been through these. Just bear with it and it'll be gone like just how it came."
"Kasahamnida, noona."
"Contact me if you need anything. Bye~"
Seunghyun qiuckly hung up his phone that smashed his face unto the pillow than groaned loudly.
"Sometimes I wonder how Kwang Soo overcomes his cycle without other members of the group finding out...."
Ever since that episode of Running Man, Seunghyun discovered about the relationship between Lee Kwang Soo and Kim Jong Kook. The rapper envied the tall man because he was also one of the fewer male omegas and Kwang Soo is able to hide his strong scent that an omega emits during mating season and that he also had a strong alpha that protects him.
Seunghyun checked the time on his phone that proceeded to sleep since there was still about eight hours to go before he should get ready to meet the man himself.
But..... lets just say, good things don't last long. Because Seunghyun suddenly found himself pinned to his bed by a someone.
"Hyung!!! Why are you here doing nothing????"
Seunghyun sighed when he saw the maknae of the group, Lee Seunghyun or called Seungri since he lives just next door of the rapper,was practically preventing him to move and anyone would have gasp in shock when they saw the position of the two.
"Seungri.... get off...."
Seunghyun almost moaned when his body knew there was an beta nearby(Very near alright.) but he tried to control himself by smashing himself into the pillow trying to ignore Seungri.
But Seungri was'nt having it today so he purposely removed the blanket that was keeping Seunghyun warm from the cold autumn air.
"Yahh, you little rascal!!!"
Seunghyun shrieked at Seungri but when he saw Seungri grinning wickedly and his face was so close made Seunghyun blushed.

Damn you, heat cycle!!!

Seunghyun tried to struggle out of the younger's grip but he proves to be too strong for Seunghyun considering his in-heat state.
"Hyung, but you smell so nice..."
The maknae grinned mischivously than proceeded to kiss Seunghyun who was blushing wildly.
"Nah. Just messing with you. Chaka!!!"
With that, Seungri sprinted off laughing loudly with an enrage Seunghyun on his tail.
"Yah, you little son of a bi*th, I'll tear you to pieces!!!!"
Seunghyun chased the younger all the way from the kitchen to living room which surprised a certain Smiling Angel who was reading in the living room than back to the rapper's room.
Both of them were exhasted after the chase with the two of them panting and gasping for much needed air. The younger, being a Beta and making a smart choice,qiuckly left the room than locked himself in his room,afraid of being slayed by the elder.
"Ugghhh, what can I do for just a fine day to rest and cool down??"
Seunghyun plopped down on his bed than quickly gathered his comferter which was tossed to the floor by someone which Seunghyun pretty much will kill right now.
Seunghyun showered than changed into a white t-shirt with black jeans than went to grab some supplies from the store.
"I better stock some supplies in the fridge since the stores won't open during winter...."
Putting a leather jacket on, Seunghyun left his apratment than walked to the nearest store which was about a kilometer away.
When he reached there, he qiuckly took a basket than shopped for supplies. After two hours of it, he qiuckly paid using his credit card than went straight home.
He put the things onto the kitchen counter than put the frozen ones into the freezer. Than,he kept the other things in the cupboards where he store things that are not supposed in the fridge. After that, he cooked a simple ramen to ease his hungry stomach.
"Two more hours to go...."
Seunghyun looked at his watch than decided to doze for a while.
But a knock interrupted his sleep and he grumbly went to answer the door
Before Seunghyun could react, he was suddenly pounced by someone than the two crushed into Seunghyun's bed.
"Daesung, you almost gave hyung a heart attack!!"
Seunghyun faked a surprised look while his hand was placed at where his heart is. Daesung ignored his hyung's reaction than continued to bear hug his hyung.

Good thing I ate the pills this morning......

Seunghyun smiled at his dongsaeng who was now lying his head on the rapper's thighs peacefully. Seunghyun sighed than laid his head on the headboard on his bed. But when he remembered about his meeting with the president, he instantly sat up making Daesung jerking awake from his doze.
"Mianhae, Dae. But hyung has to go to a meeting with the president!!"
Seunghyun quickly slipped on a black jacket than dashed out of his room leaving his dongsaeng still half awake half sleeping.
When Seunghyun reached to YG's office which was on the top floor of the dorm, he was relieved since the president was just arranging his action figure collection.
He took a deep breath than knocked on the door. Hearing an 'enter', he hastily entered the room than waited for YG to give his 'speech'.
"Seunghyun, calm down. Have you eaten the pills that your sister gave??"
Seeing Seunghyun fidgeting in his seat, YG decided to qiucken his pace before Seunghyun gets a panic attack.
"You know, when your sister told me about your condition, I was shocked. Since you are the oldest one in the band, I thought you might be a decent alpha. But to think that you are an omega....."
"Mianhaeyo, Yang San Jang Nim."
Seunghyun bowes his head lowly to express his guilt but the president shooked his head and telling Seunghyun to look at him.
"No, don't apologize. Its not your fault that you're an omega, especially a male one."
The president smirked when he saw Seunghyun blushed.
"Anyway, I just want to know when does your heat cycle start and ends and what a male omega can and can't do during the cycle."
"Well, my heat cycle comes during the start of the month. Oh, and I need these pills to control my heat. "
Seunghyun handed the president a prescription of his medicine which the president qiuckly took note.
"Well, without these pills, I'll be extra horny when there's a alpha or a beta near me."
Seunghyun blushed wildly while explaining that while the president took note secretly smirking at the embaressed man.
"Okey. You're dismissed."
Seunghyun took off immediately to his room than flopped down onto his bed after closing the door.
"Oh my god..... the president must be laughing at me now..."
Seunghyun covered his face with his hands than groaned loudly while blushing madly thinking about the look on the president's face.
"Hyung?? You okey??"
Seunghyun did'nt move when Daesung approached him worriedly. Seunghyun groaned out his "Yes" than continued to bury his face into the pillows.
"Must be that YG knows about hyung's condition...."
Daesung sighed than wrapped his hands around his hyung which make the elder gasped.
Daesung is the only one in the band that knows about Seunghyun real 'identity' and also one of the few that Seunghyun trust apart from his sister.
Seunghyun's body immediately went into in-heat mode when his body sensed a presence of a Beta so close to himself.
"Hyung?? Hyung??!!!

Cliffhangers!!! Sorry, but I do have to stop here because if I continue, I don't think there will be any new story after this.
(Sincerely bows and apologizes to those who read this.)
Hope you guys enjoy and leave some comments so that I could improve the story.

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