Chapter Five

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"I'm back!!"
The door swung open to reveal Daesung, hands full of plastics of groceries. He put the things onto the kitchen counter and hugged his hyung.
"Yah!!! I'm here too,you know."
Seungri said with a tint of jealousy in his voice, he even growled when Daesung kept snuggling into his eldest hyung.
"Yaahh!!! Seunghyun hyung is mine!!"
Seungri's beta instincts kick in and lunged at both Daesung and Seunghyun that made the three of them fell.
"Aish!!! What was that for??!!"
Daesung said trying to get up but failed when Seungri pounced on top of him.
"Don't. Touch. My. Hyung."
Seungri said glaring at Daesung, which the elder ignored than proceeded to help Seunghyun up who was rubbing his sore head.
"Yahhh!! Did'nt you heard me?!"
Seungri said growling dangerously and wanted to tackled Daesung onto the floor but Seunghyun put a hand in front of him that made him stop.
"Aish!! What is wrong with you two??!! Why are you two fighting each other recently??"
Ever since the members know of Seunghyun's secret identity, Seungri and Daesung, who were having a secret crush on their eldest hyung finally mustered up the courage to confess their love to him. But it seems difficult since the two of them costantly fight for anything that concernes their eldest hyung. 
Seunghyun furrowed his eyebrows at them while the two kept glaring at each other.
"You two better explain for the fights that occurred for the past few days."
Seunghyun said with crossed arms and taped his foot onto the floor impatiently. Seungri and Daesung stopped their glaring contest and stared at their eldest hyung than looked at each other and smirked.
"Hyung!!! We love you!!"
The two pounced their eldest hyung which caught Seunghyun in surprise and the three of them fell with Seunghyun at the bottom....again.
"Of course you guys love me."
Seunghyun said giggling.

Hyung, Bingu Top is really a suitable name for you, you know?

Seungri sighed than laughed cheekily at his hyung's joke. The three helped each other....Correction!!!!! Daesung and Seungri helped their eldest hyung up while glaring at each other. Seunghyun sighed seeing his dongsaengs like this but chosed to ignore the both of them.
"But, hyung. We were not talking about that kind of love...."
"Yeah, so who do you pick??"
Daesung and Seungri said while blushing slightly. Seunghyun cocked his head to the side in confusion
(In Daesung and Seungri's case, cutely!!)
and raised his eyebrows questionaly and his maknae.
When he realised what was the real meaning behind those words, he widened his eyes and blushed like a red tomato while looking away from them.

I can't believe they love me!!! But..

Seunghyun sighed that turned towards both of his dongsaengs who were anxious for their hyung's answer.
"I..... Can you guys hyung a minute??"
Seunghyun said than ran back to his bedroom. He groaned into his pillow and ran a hand through his still blue hair. He sighed than decided to doze for a while to rest his mind which is bombarded with questions. But when Seunghyun felt his body getting hot and sweaty, he quickly shot up from his bed and rushed to the kitchen to find the pills for his heat.
"Wowww, hyung!!! Where are you... Ooohhh...."
Seungri frowned a bit when he saw his hyung hastily swallowed the pills without drinking water. Seungri went to bring a cup of water for his hyung and patted Seunghyun's back when the other started to cough.
"Gwenchanayo, hyung??"
Seunghyun nodded his head and started to walk back to his room when he felt a pair of warm arms suddenly wrapped around his waist and pulled him into a warm and hard chest.
Seungri nuzzled his hyung's neck and his hot breath made Seunghyun shuddered. Seunghyun look up to see his maknae looking at him with the most softest look ever. Seungri smiled at his hyung and kiss his forehead that made Seunghyun relax into his maknae's chest.
Seunghyun squeked when Seungri swopped his hands under Seunghyun's legs and picked him up while Seunghyun wrapped his hands around his maknae's neck and now they look like a couple that just got married. Seunghyun blushed at their position and buried his tomato face into Seungri's neck.
Seungri carried Seunghyun into the elder's bedroom. Onve they reach the bed, Seunghyun immediately snuggled into his maknae's chest while Seungri wrapped his hands around his hyung protectively like a wolf protecting its mate. They stayed in the same position for a while when Seunghyun yawned that caught Seungri's attention.
"Sleep, hyung. I'll wake you up if there's anything."
The elder nodded and dozed off in peace. After making sure the elder was fully asleep, Seungri silently placed his hyung on his own bed. Seunghyun whimpered in his sleep when his body lose the warmth that was radianting out of his maknae's body. Seungri sighed softly while stroking Seunghyun's hair which made the elder to sigh contently in his sleep.
"Seungri-ah!!! Ji Young hyung is calling!!!"
Daesung's voice rang out of the door. The vocalist's loud voice made Seunghyun shifted a bit on the bed. Seungri groaned annoyingly while mumbling about something like 'loud, stupid hyung' and 'kill him if Seunghyun wakes up'.
Seungri came out of the room and looked for his phone. He went to his room to find his phone ringing, Ji Young's name was presented on the phone screen. He picked it up and pressed the 'call' button.
"Seungri, how is Seunghyun doing??"
Seungri rolled his eyes at his hyung's question.

Since when did Ji Young hyung started to care about Seunghyun?

"Yeah, he's fine. Why??"
"Just asking. His sister has been calling him these days but he would'nt answer so she panic and phoned me."
"Ahh... I'll try to check on hyung afterwards. Bye~~~"
"Bye, bye~~"
Seungri hunged up his phone and went to shower.
(At the other room....)
Daesung lied star shaped on his bed. He was actually listening to music on his phone and humming to the beat.
"I'm bored. I think I'll go check up on Seunghyun-hyung."
Daesung thought than bolted to his eldest hyung's room. He opened the door quietly to find his hyung sleeping peacefully on his bed. He walked and sat on Seunghyun's bed. He stroked his hyung's hair and sighed softly.
"Seungri..... stop…"
Seunghyun mumbled in his sleep and shifted to face Daesung and snuggled into his maknae's lap or which he thought. Daesung did'nt hear the mumble that came from Seunghyun and smiled gleefully when his eldest hyung snuggled into him. He placed a hand on Seunghyun head and brushed his cheek with a thumb.
"Hyung!!! Your sister's calling you!"
Seungri said through the door. Daesung cautiously placed Seunghyun back on the bed than rushed out of the room to find Seungri holding his cellphone using one hand while the other one was drying his hair with a towel with a cute panda imprinted on it. (XD)
Daesung took his phone than walked to the living room to talk.
Seungri hung his towel on the towel rack than decided to lounge on his own bed.

Sorry guys. Very bad ending I know. But as an unexperience writer, may I ask suggestion for this fic????
I don't really have any stories to tell so I think I won't be updating this story I guess.
But please read, vote and please comment!!
*Starting to beg on knees*

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